Goblins Under The Dining Table

Hu-Dad has long suspected that Chez Herd is haunted! He leaves things in one room and then finds them carried to another room.  And those objects not only are moved, by they are covered in a gooey slime (sort of like dog slobber). Now, he has photographic proof of actual goblins under the dining table!

Goblins under the dining table.

Goblins under the dining table.

Wait, wait, Hu-Dad. You are mixing up your nouns and verbs. That isn’t a goblin under the table. But if you would kindly drop some food from your dinner, there will be some gobbling under the table.

Dear Reader - I am not responsible for my Hu-Dad's bad puns.

Dear Reader – I am not responsible for my Hu-Dad’s bad puns. But can I have a snack?


  1. Dennis the Vizsla on August 6, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hav herd that the gobble-uns wil git yoo if yoo dont watch owt!!! now i no wot that meens!!! ha ha ok bye

  2. Lori on July 26, 2017 at 7:10 am

    With such an irresistibly adorable face… how could one not “drop” a treat or three to the under-the-table-gobblin!!!

  3. vincent porrazzo on July 26, 2017 at 3:40 am

    Bad doggy puns deserve treats Hu-Dad, right?

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