News / Blog Posts

Spring In Winter

Spring In Winter – Film Friday

February 23, 2018 |

Our weather continues its weird patterns, now giving us spring in winter. We would prefer snow, but we are getting our spring projects underway.

Read Today's Herd Story
Brothers comfortable on the bed.

Little Prince Touch Me Not

February 22, 2018 |

Hu-Dad refers to Typhoon as Little Prince Touch Me Not. Today’s photographs show a perfect example of how he has earned that stand-offish reputation. Hu-Dad likes to read for an hour or so before going to sleep every night (he rarely turns the TV on so is always quite clueless about whatever is the current…

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I was just inviting him in for dinner.

Evil Invaders Threaten The Peace

February 21, 2018 |

Evil invaders approached our fence and threatened the peace that reigned. A Little Prince watched and waited – prepared to spring into action.

Read Today's Herd Story
That crazy driver is cutting me off.

Challenges Of The Evening Commute

February 20, 2018 |

The traffic. The other drivers. The incessant craziness. Bet you didn’t think we have the same challenges with the evening commute that you do.

Read Today's Herd Story
Engage Typhoon Turbo!

Happy Sunshine Day – We Missed You!

February 19, 2018 |

After over a week of rain, we finally had a happy sunshine day. Blue skies, spring like temperatures, and a quite happy Herd.

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We need to talk, Hu-Dad.

Raining Questions About Our Weather

February 18, 2018 |

As we enter our ninth day in a row of water falling from the sky, Typhoon and Landon confronted Hu-Dad and started raining questions.

Read Today's Herd Story
What shall I do?

Alleviating Boredom On A Rainy Day

February 17, 2018 |

Our moment of sunshine passed fairly quickly as rains moved back over Chez Herd, so Landon was alleviating boredom in a typical Siberian Husky way. Winds roared over the ridges around our house Thursday night and into Friday morning, bringing with them even more rain. No one was excited to see yet more sogginess, as…

Read Today's Herd Story
A Sunshine Moment

A Sunshine Moment – Film Friday

February 16, 2018 |

Our morning, like every morning this week, started out rainy with more predicted for the next several days, but we had an actual sunshine moment.

Read Today's Herd Story
Ok, maybe I will come to the house just a little faster now.

Little Prince Hiding Behind The Tree

February 15, 2018 |

Hu-Dad stepped out to the back deck and did a quick nose count. The Little Prince hiding behind the tree threw the count off. So, Typhoon, what were you doing back there that you didn’t want Hu-Dad to know about? Were you up to some sort of mischief? Don’t want to answer any questions? Sure,…

Read Today's Herd Story
We need some snow or sun or something.

Foggy Boom Boom Day

February 14, 2018 |

The drenching rains of this past weekend have slowed, but we are still dealing with cloudy, drizzly weather and a foggy Boom Boom day.

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A thinking Boom Boom (with his bushy tail).

What Is A Thinking Boom Boom Thinking?

February 13, 2018 |

We have a new contest today (with absolutely no prizes!). Help us figure out exactly what a thinking Boom Boom is thinking. Landon received his nickname because his bouncing mode of transportation. He hops and boings from spot to spot throughout the house and yard. What may surprise you is that he also has quiet,…

Read Today's Herd Story
Is it still raining?

Rain Soaked Dogs And Movie Memory Monday

February 12, 2018 |

We are approaching four inches of rain for the weekend, so have a house full of rain soaked dogs who are tired of the weather (plus Movie Memory Monday).

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