News / Blog Posts

You talking to me? Are you talking to me?

Little Prince Disdain

November 14, 2018 |

The facial expressions of Typhoon communicate the Little Prince disdain over being asked to comply with any of the human rules.

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Why this weather?

Redhead Rainy Rant

November 13, 2018 |

Our resident Cheesewhiz was quite displeased with our dreary Monday weather, so prepare yourself for a redhead rainy rant.

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The Siberian Pinwheel

Siberian Pinwheel

November 12, 2018 |

A rare, magical constellation formed in the Hu-Dad’s study yesterday morning and we have photographic proof – the Siberian Pinwheel.

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This isn't as fun as advertised.

Sitting At The Curb Waiting

November 11, 2018 |

A beautiful, cold Saturday, so we went for a ride in the Jeep. Little did we know that the Hu-Dad would have sitting at the curb waiting.

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Incoming warning!

Delivery Alert For Chez Herd

November 10, 2018 |

Chez Herd has its own specialized delivery alert system so Hu-Dad never fails to know that a package is arriving at our house.

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Do you really want to do that work or pet me?

Soulful Brown Eyes At Work

November 9, 2018 |

We have a number of tactics to capture Hu-Dad’s attention, but Frankie Suave is the master when he unleashes his soulful brown eyes.

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And more big yawns.

Big Yawns From Boom Boom

November 8, 2018 |

Yes, we should be getting used to the time change by now, but all Hu-Dad sees is a bunch of big yawns from a sleepy crew.

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Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.

Sleep Delay Penalty

November 7, 2018 |

Bad enough that we are suffering through the change from Daylight Savings Time, but now Hu-Dad’s busyness caused a sleep delay.

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Why aren't we going to bed?

Sleepyhead Protest Of Time Change

November 6, 2018 |

As that odd human quirk of Daylight Savings Time ended, a certain Siberian Husky who likes his bedtime is giving a sleepyhead protest.

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Yard inspection checking every blade of grass.

Sibe Quentin Yard Inspection

November 5, 2018 |

After a week of S-RV traveling, we returned home and immediately went to work conducting a thorough yard inspection of Sibe Quentin.

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Wait! The week is over?

Another Camping Trip Ends

November 4, 2018 |

We have had another great week traveling in our S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle), but another camping trip ends as we head home.

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Hey dogs. Whose picnic table is this?

Wild Cat Invasion

November 3, 2018 |

Our camping trip took an quite unexpected and exotic turn when Mother Nature subjected us to a vicious wild cat invasion.

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