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Yes, we should be getting used to the time change by now, but all Hu-Dad sees is a bunch of big yawns from a sleepy crew.
Every evening this week, Hu-Dad has been working on busyness in the study. Something about catching up from the S-RV vacation of last week and rushing to meet deadlines before the holidays. But all we can think about is how this time change is wrecking our sleep schedule.
The bad part is that our yawning, moaning and groaning is now interfering with our sleep, too. We think we need another vacation really soon.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
You’re making me yawn Typhoon ????????????
Again, poor Typhoon. Can’t even get some sleep because of his siblings. So mistreated! 🙂
Poor Boom Boom! I just no fair to have our schedules so messed up Hu-Dad-lol Hopefully all will settle down soon and a peaceful sleepy times ensues!!