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We did a post on reader’s comments and questions last month and received a lot of good feedback about it, so we thought we would do it again. Who knows, maybe it will become a monthly feature? But, then again, we are Siberians and we don’t like to be predictable. Regardless, make sure you ask your questions and maybe we will answer yours.
So what are some of the weirdest search phrases that people use to find your site?
Ok, we asked that ourselves, but we were looking at our traffic report from our web host and thought this was weird:
3% of all searches that find us use the phrase “squirrels as pets” (squirrel as pets was another 0.8%). We don’t know what is more disturbing. (1) That people actually google that phrase, (2) that we appear 8th on the list of results for that phrase, or (3) that google returned 718,000 results for that phrase.
1.2% of all searches that find us use the phrase “confusing signs” where we are also the 8th item on the list. But we are betting that people were expecting something else.
Someone found us using the phrase “hot girls kissing dogs and horses.” Uh, go away. We KNOW you were expecting something else.
On to our questions:
Fiona asked, “Did you see Mom wave when she flew over you! I know she heard you!!!”
Of course we did, that’s why we were howling. Hope she passed along our messages.
Steve and Kat commented to Natasha on Dad’s Important Job, “You’re dad is so well trained! I can’t believe he knows Sit and Stay. Does he know “put the macbook away”? I am working on that with Mom. It’s not going very well.”
You know how it is is. Every pet has some quirk. Well, our dad is really attached to his Macbook. Perhaps Dr. Steve can offer a prescription for that.
Jake and Fergi asked, “Wanna come play with us in the snow in the Colorado mountains?”
Got beds for 6? We will be right there.
Wild Dingo asked in Substitute Navigator, “Kodiak: WHAT were you THINKING???”
Kodiak is very clear about these things. He leaves the thinking to the ladies and does their bidding. He says life is easier that way.
In response to reinforcements for our Siberian Street Gang in Outnumbered Herd, Khyra volunteered and then asked, “Khount me in…do we get khool names? Official kholours?”
Of Khourse. Khodiak wants Khopper and Khrome, Khannik has voted for Khustard and Khranberry, but Khiska wants Khandy Red and Khoffee. Khan we khount on you? (whew – hope we don’t have to answer using Dennis the Vizsla dog language). But, of course, . . .
Dennis the Vizsla Dog asked, “Why do I hear the theme music from “Halloween” playing in my head?”
We don’t know. Not sure even Dr. Steve can cure that.
Our border collie buddy Ranger saw the post on Ranch Life and asked, “WOW! You could be that close to livestock with the windows down and not have a dog jumping out of the car? We would have had an escapee for sure.”
Rusty gladly takes this one – Stupid Seatbelts. They prevent us from having all sorts of fun.
The coolest cat in the world, Huffle, stepped right up in our defense and demanded, “I told your dad yesterday that he has to feed you more food and give you snacks as well. Has that happened yet, or do I need to tell him some more?”
He is a really slow learner, so you need to tell him much, much more. We love that you conned your way into an extra meal. Now we know why you are an Honorary Sibe.
By the way, Cheoah did not get to answer a question this month, but we could not possibly leave her out. Since she is the master “I Wanna” Dog (can loudly demand what she wants, which is always whatever she does not currently have), we thought we would share her subtle attempt at scratching at the door and suggesting that she might want inside. Notice how high the muddy paw prints are on the door.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
OMD! That last picture was so impressive! I would need a chair to beat that!
Umm…those are some strange search phrases!
Wow, those paw prints are sooo high! I don’t think I could beat Cheoah!
Wow. I’m sure glad you cleared all those questions up!
I will commence a new campaign to get you more food, puppers. Don’t worry, I will convince your dad!
Huffle Mawson
Kodiak is right. If the girls are happy, then everybody is happy. Or maybe it’s – if the girls aren’t happy then nobody is happy. I can’t remember which way Dad says it.
Bricey (who needs to go make sure that Eva and Momma are happy)
I’m khool with it!
Even though just typing the word makes Mom’s nose khrinkle, I’m going fur Khantalope and Orkhhid fur my kholours!
I think we’ll truly represent the many kholours khanines (and khats) khan khome in!
That MacBook addiction is really wide-spread.
Love the snart work on that door!
Tail wags,
*BAM BAM BAM* “Open door! Open door!”
I see TD wants to challenge Cheoah for the door jump, I will enter myself in that contest!That is one of my favorite activities.
Woos to you all!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
If Dr. Steve has a cure for the MacBook quirk, my dogs want to know it!
And, my dog, R, can relate to Cheoah. We had a carpenter refuse the job of fixing the scratches on a door “until R grows up” – well, we may have the those scratches for a long long time!
Great answers to some great questions. The search phrase portion is quite interesting.
Khyra will be happy to see your excellent use of Khyraese, but we know she will want to add: “But, of khourse…”
TD says he would like to challenge Cheoah to see who can get their paws higher.
Woos, the OP Pack
Where do all you lovely Sibes slumber?