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We felt outnumbered. Seriously, just like our human. Something about he was so busy this weekend that he did not check in on everyone’s blogs, so he logged in Sunday night and discovered that many of you wrote a lot. Wowsers. He said never again. He will never fall behind again. Well, unless of course, we have another beautiful weekend.
But back to us. We felt outnumbered. We were back up at the ranch we told you about the other day. And we saw all of the cows.
But a little further down the road, we ran into these horses. They did not look very pleased to see us and just stared us down:
Ok, so that might have been a little intimidating. But we went on and did our hiking and had fun. On the way back out of the ranch, though, they clearly had seen us as a threat. Because the cows and horses got together. Oh, my. Not that is a herd!
So, who’s in? We clearly need a larger Siberian Street Gang! Or a Canine Cadre. Or A Bevy of Cats and Dogs! We just need more!
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
I’m in!
we’re soooooo in. phhhahleease let us into your gang…err..herd. We have a GSD mix among us that could actually try his “herding” skills on that intimidating herd! LOL..
Wow they are joining forces – maybe you need so herding dogs – or us terriers to give you a hand!!
you just howl the word and we will be there
Woodrow – Sweetie – MJ
I hope you run into some cows and horses at Siberian Nationals because that would for sure be a large Siberian Posse!
PS. Mom can’t stay up with blogs either.
The Golden Girls would be glad to come. But Ellie will pretend that she doesn’t see them and Lucy will slowly back behind a human and then give a low growl. Don’t think either of them would add much to the team or the herd.
Mom cheats and sometimes skips blogs because she doesn’t have time. I try to read them when she’s asleep, but I have a tough time using the touch pad on her computer! Can I join the gang? I’ve always wanted to be in a gang and rebel again something.
*kissey face*
If Zim is coming, then I am too.
Huffle Mawson
Oh, yeah. We’re in. I get dibs on walking by Rusty, though.
Play bows,
Khount me in…do we get khool names?
Official kholours?
PeeEssWoo: Once again, I see THAT smile on my mom’s face – I swear to dog she spent ALL day and night trying to khatch up – she finally let me throw in the towel this morning with 12 or so left to go…gee, we wake up to 50+ – we are such a great bunch of bloggers!
My human says she knows how your dad feels about getting behind on blogs. It take forever to catch up.
I’ll join the Siberian Street Gang. Do we get to chase things? Horses don’t scare me. I grew up with them, so I can show you how to scare them away if you want.
Why do I hear the theme music from “Halloween” playing in my head?
I can help with any sheep and goats that show up.,
Bricey the sheep and goat whisperer
We’re coming to help, that is, if Labs are allowed to briefly join with the Herd!
Those cows sure can be intimidating. But, for some reason, us Labs believe that horses are huge dogs. We’ve even found one who will play stick with us, believe it or not. Io, the horse, will hold one end of a stick while we tug on it!
So is this a lead-in to an upcoming increase in the size of the TH?
Our Mom sympathizes with your huDad – very hard to fall behind in the blogs AND in posting.
Woos, the OP Pack