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As most of you know, we travel in a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (the 4-door kind). All dogs are carefully seat belted in for their safety, but occupants of other cars only see The Herd in the back of a Jeep. Amazingly, we draw all sorts of reactions. Here is one that was just too funny:
By the way, have no fear. This little fellow was in the car for only a few minutes on a cloudy day where the outside temp was in the 50’s. We saw his owner come and go from the car and the owner was always in sight of the car. The little guy, however, was stunned at six Sibes staring back at him.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
That’s the best reaction pic! 🙂
It’s not often you see celebrities.. BTW.. I did witness Peewee in class.. I guess that’s still a form of detention since it was attention class…
“Do you have any Grey Poupon?”
I think he wants to be part of the Herd. Too cute!
He was clearly overwhelmed by the majesty of the Herd.
Huffle Mawson
Totally amazed I’d say!
That’s a great photo! I’ll bet that little guy was totally impressed by the Herd!
Play bows,
Did you see Mom wave when she flew over you! I know she heard you!!!
*kissey face*
The poor pup just wanted you to come out and play!
Princess Eva
Stunned? That looks like a good word for it! Can’t you imagine her going home and barking madly at everyone, and them saying, Woo, did you have a good time with Dad? when she was really trying to tell them there was an army of wolfdogs ready to take over the world!
What all the others have pawed sums it up furry well!
Overwhelmed, I think! And amazed.
Exactly the reaction we would have expected. He is probably wondering what he has to do to get as to be as handsome as all of you.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Wooos! I think he was too sacred to bark, knowing all of the noise 6 of you could make! Mom thinks the two of us but up a racket, she would hate to hear what all of you sound like together!-Kira The BeaWootiful
That little guy wasn’t stunned, he’s full of ENVY… he totally wants to be snuggled in with your pack. and I’d bet they’d be very sweet to him. Even Queen NTE.
Temps in the 50’s? Boy am I jealous! I bet that little guy wanted to come out and play with all of you.:)