News / Blog Posts

Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest

July 6, 2008 |

Yesterday, we hiked in the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest, one of the few remaining old growth forests in the Eastern U.S.

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Experience and Youth

July 5, 2008 |

We spent the day yesterday on the trails and when we made it back to the jeep, the dogs were tired (our goal, of course).  So each of the dogs made themselves comfortable as they got water and relaxed a little before we drove back home.  Here is Natasha demonstrating how to remain regal and…

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Celebrity, but not for me

July 3, 2008 |

The Siberian Utility Vehicle needed some maintenance done, so I found myself at the Jeep dealership first thing this morning.  I checked the car in (first person there) and then settled into the lounge and started to open my laptop.  A mechanic stuck his head in and said he had to say hi.  The second…

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Introducing Cheoah

July 2, 2008 |

Blog.  To record your daily events.  Hmmmm.  Wonder if that means you are supposed to mention something sooner than 5 weeks after it happens?  Told you I was new to this blogging concept. We decided that things had gotten too quiet at Chez Herd.  The Herd was being almost as well behaved as Hubley’s Hooligans.…

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Sharing Rusty’s blanket

July 1, 2008 |

The much needed rain started around 6 last night and fell in a slow drizzle until nearly 10.  With it came a cool breeze – so cool that I pulled on a sweat shirt at one point.  In fact, when I checked this morning, the temperature overnight had dropped to 44 (around 6 C).  Not exactly cold,…

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Wolf Rock

June 27, 2008 |

As promised on Monday (ok, so I am a little slow sometimes), I want to tell you about Wolf Rock.  On the trail to the top of Craggy Pinnacle, there is a switchback in the trail that circles a large rock outcropping.  But as you are approaching it on the uphill stretch, you are surrounded…

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Craggy Pinnacle

June 23, 2008 |

So after seeing the big dog with horns, we continued north on the parkway to the Craggy Gardens area. Normally, we never venture to this area in June because the Catawba Rhododendron are in full bloom and the area is packed with tourists.  But, as luck would have it, the road bed underneath the Parkway weakened and…

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Little Dogs, Big Dogs, Big Dogs with Horns

June 22, 2008 |

Natasha rides really well in the Jeep.  Her seat belt position is immediately behind the passenger seat so she can move from looking out the passenger side of the jeep to the center where she can rest her head on my shoulder.  I am fairly convinced that she thinks she is driving. (In fact, I…

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Mystery Solved

June 21, 2008 |

One of the great mysteries was solved last night, but first a little background. Siberians don’t exactly shed, but blow coat twice a year.  For those of you without Siberians, blowing coat is an amazing period.  In a period of a week or two, the dog loses its undercoat – the thick coating that keeps…

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Summer Solstice

June 20, 2008 |

During the Summer and Winter Solstice, we pause to remember the Siberian Huskies who have been in our lives and our now waiting North of the Rainbow Bridge.  You can see many of the images and connect to some great stories at The Sibernet Memorial Site.  This is not meant to be a sad time,…

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Tartok and the Herd

June 15, 2008 |

We went over to my parent’s house last night to have Father’s Day dinner – Happy Father’s Day Dad ! ! ! While there, we were doing a little landscaping and everyone was gathered outside, including my mother’s Siberian, Tartok.  He was our guest at Chez Herd a few weeks ago during the Slumber Party.…

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Dreaming of a White . . . Any Day – Part II

June 9, 2008 |

It is still hot so we are still dreaming of a little snow.  To tempt everyone, is a picture of Natasha in her very first winter. Now as all good Siberians know, the phrase “come here” is a meaningless noise uttered by our humans which we are meant to ignore.  Natasha demonstrates exactly how little…

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