News / Blog Posts
So where were we headed on our walk in the snow? Kiska always checks in to see what’s what: We were headed to Thunderstruck Ridge and this fabulous view: Nothing like a clear, cold, winter day for great long range views.
Read Today's Herd StoryCheoah Snow Slide
Snow is not meant just to be enjoyed. It should be savored. An example is provided here by the ever energetic Cheoah. Remember, this is a professional. Do not try this at home. Unless you are a Sibe.
Read Today's Herd StoryWe Want In . . . NOW
Visitors to the house are always amazed that I have nose prints and paw prints 6 feet high on the glass door to the dog room. Not just the prints, despite the regular cleaning of the glass, but that they are 6 feet high. Here, Cheoah and Kodiak demonstrate exactly how that happens in their…
Read Today's Herd StoryThere is Always One
Here we are – all five of us marching down the trail: Wait? Five? Kiska looks for the missing wonder. There is Rusty, off to the side and doing his own thing. There is always one, and it is usually the Rooster.
Read Today's Herd StoryFall Friday
As you may remember in this, this and this previous post, we showed you the view from our porch until the fall fogs settled in and then the first snow fell. Well, I was standing out on the porch this morning and realized that it is, technically, still fall so thought I would share a…
Read Today's Herd StoryFaster Than a Speeding Bullet
I would love to claim that I was trying to get this effect for the picture, but I must blame low light, slow shutter speed, and dogs in a hurry:
Read Today's Herd StoryBreedism
Ok, now we are mad. No, not about the snow. We love the snow. We have snow up to our fuzzy, errr, tails and we are having a blast. We are delirious about the snow. We are running everywhere in the snow. We are digging in the snow. Even “I don’t like to be cold…
Read Today's Herd StoryRainy Weekend
Yep, pretty rainy weekend, but that never deters the Herd. Always up for their walks: And for those of you amused with the way Rusty walks behind humans, be aware he does it to the canines as well:
Read Today's Herd StoryAlgebraic Equation of the Day
6 Siberian Huskies + 2 Humans + 1 S-RV + Steady Rain = ?
Read Today's Herd StoryRusty Clowning Around
Our friend Dannan commented that he did not know of a Siberian that gets cold. Well, Rusty would be the one. He absolutely loves the snow, but hates the cold. He will burrow under blankets and even is known to pull a blanket over him when he is sleeping. And, best of all, on cold…
Read Today's Herd StoryShort Work Weeks
We have really whiny humans. You see, they took Thursday and Friday off last week and took us to the beach. And this week, they also get Thursday and Friday off because of Thanksgiving. So where is the complaint? They say they have to work so hard this Monday through Wednesday to make up for…
Read Today's Herd StoryHuntington Beach State Park
Since everyone enjoyed yesterday’s video, here is one from this morning’s walk on the beach:
Read Today's Herd Story