News / Blog Posts
Table Manners
We entitle this post “How to eat breakfast with gusto!” ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Read Today's Herd StoryThe New RV Face
Long time readers know that the face above is the priceless Cheesewhiz RV Face – the face that Cheoah makes when she is in her crate in the RV. We are not sure why she does this, but we are guessing she gets bored and starts playing with the wires in her crate. We are…
Read Today's Herd StoryCircling
Over at The Herd Annex, the house is built in an open floor plan. That makes the perfect circle for Tartok and Ruby to patrol the kitchen, dining room and den.
Read Today's Herd StoryWaiting on Nia
We were looking through our pictures and discovered we had one more story from our beach trip to tell. Ok, and we did not have any more pictures from this week because hu-dad was doing all his busyness stuff after the holidays. These pictures are from before Christmas when we visited with our friends Kody…
Read Today's Herd Story