News / Blog Posts
Lead Dog
Queen Natasha the Evil, of course, has long been the leader of The Herd. And when we cart or sled, she is our regular lead dog. Since she is 10, however, we have also been working Cheoah as the lead dog for carting and sledding (though QNTE has no intention of giving up leader of…
Read Today's Herd StoryWhat’s Cooking?
Any time a human enters the kitchen, some member of The Herd has to see what’s cooking. ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Read Today's Herd StoryFlashback Friday – Feed Me
Flashing all the way back to January 10, 2004, when she was Princess Natasha the Pain in the . . . . Hey, it takes time to develop Evil. Anyway, here is Miss Natasha actually just saying “Feed Me” and not counter surfing dinner away.
Read Today's Herd StoryGreat Mysteries
Hu-dad says one of the great mysteries of canines is demonstrated in this picture.
Read Today's Herd StoryComfortable Seats on the Bus
Oh, sure, Queen Natasha the Evil might get to sit at the dining room table on the RV, but others of us also have comfortable seats on the bus!
Read Today's Herd StoryBest Seat on the Bus
Queen Natasha the Evil has always been known for finding the best of everything and claiming it for herself. In the RV, she has found the best seat on the bus and is clear that no one else is allowed.
Read Today's Herd StorySunny Sunday
Sunday morning in the campsite was beautiful, so all of The Herd took advantage of a Sunny Sunday.
Read Today's Herd StoryTired
We had a terrific day yesterday, but it was also a long day. Cheoah sums it up showing how tired we are.
Read Today's Herd StoryBe Good
S-Rv is loaded and we are driving to Nashville, Tennessee, this weekend for a family reunion. For some reason, the hu-dad is reminding us that we have to be good. P.S. – The hu-dad has been amused with the emails from the relatives that say they can’t wait to meet us. Just proof that the…
Read Today's Herd StoryGood Mountain Air
Sometimes, we forget how lucky we are to live in these beautiful mountains, but Kiska shows us how to sniff this good mountain air.
Read Today's Herd StoryReading Signs
Hiking in National Forests and Parks, we see a lot of trail signs that help us know where we are. Kiska knows reading signs is very important.
Read Today's Herd Story