Be Good

S-Rv is loaded and we are driving to Nashville, Tennessee, this weekend for a family reunion. For some reason, the hu-dad is reminding us that we have to be good.

be good is hard

Wow, this “be good” thing is really hard.

P.S. – The hu-dad has been amused with the emails from the relatives that say they can’t wait to meet us. Just proof that the hu-dad is just the chauffeur to the stars – even among family.

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  1. Little Reufus on September 23, 2013 at 4:46 pm

    Hahahahahaha… Why is it that they think they need teu remind us??? Deu they not realize that we remember and just sometimes choose NOT teu??? Or maybe that’s just me. ;o)

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

    PS I’ll bet yeu have a swell family! I can’t wait teu see the photos!

  2. Sea Wolf on September 23, 2013 at 9:36 am

    We need to see reunion photos of the Herd and Annex all together. Nine huskies and a huge spread of food. What could go wrong? 🙂

  3. Teddy Westlife on September 22, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    I agree Qannik. Being good is really hard. Which is why I don’t bother, most of the time.

  4. Ice 'n Ayla on September 21, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    Ayla sez: A FAMILY reunion. Does that mean the Annex part of the Herd is going, too! Nine Siberians “BEING GOOD”. Oh my, isn’t that asking just a wee bit much?!?! Hope you ALL have a great weekend “Being Good”!

  5. Susan and Wrigs on September 21, 2013 at 11:41 am

    Have fun! Hope there will be lots of yummy food! (Isn’t eating the main event at family reunions?)

  6. Kuuk on September 21, 2013 at 10:49 am

    I know you can be good! 🙂 Woooooowoooooo!

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