News / Blog Posts

Warbird Park – Myrtle Beach, SC

May 3, 2014 |

As always, we like to take a moment to salute our brave men and women of the armed forces and, so, yesterday we paid our respects at Warbird Park in Myrtle Beach, SC – a small park to recognize the service of members of the Myrtle Beach Army Air Field (1940-1947) and the Myrtle Beach Air…

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Charleston Battery Walk

May 2, 2014 |

What South Carolina beach week would be complete without a Charleston Battery Walk. Oh, sure, we could show you lots of pictures of historic homes, and picturesque streets – or we could show you pictures of us walking along the Battery (the river walk along the peninsula where, according to Charlestonians, the Ashley and Cooper…

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Red Flag Day

May 1, 2014 |

With the storms in the area, the beaches were under a Red Flag Day (High Surf and Strong Current Warnings). We really don’t care much for getting into the water beyond a little knee deep wading (we leave that swimming stuff for the labradors), but it was nice to have the beach almost to ourselves.

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Quiet on the Picket Line

April 30, 2014 |

Our neighboring campers are always curious how we achieve such good behavior (usually) and quiet on the picket line. The humans’ answer is easy – cheat! Hey, it is rude to talk with your mouth full, so bully sticks are a great tool! The best reaction, however, has to belong to Cheoah the Cheesewhiz! Study…

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Hanging Out with a Few Friends

April 29, 2014 |

Yesterday, we went to Charleston, SC, for a favorite pastime – hanging out with a few friends – Kodi and Nia (and their humans) AND Phoenix, Loki and Cesar (and one of their humans). Yep, 11 Siberian Huskies and five humans.

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RVing at Huntington Beach State Park

April 28, 2014 |

Yes, we have made it to one of our all-time favorite RV places – Huntington Beach State Park!  That would be the one in South Carolina (for those Californians who are thinking of that other Huntington Beach (For you history buffs, the two Huntingtons refer to cousins, so there is a connection)). Today was just…

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RVing at Lee State Park

April 27, 2014 |

We are off on another RV adventure.  Our first stop was Lee State Park in Bishopville, SC.  We were looking for a good, clean RV area just off the interstate and have to say we are very impressed with this South Carolina State Park (and we always seem to be impressed with how well South…

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Game On

April 26, 2014 |

As anyone who lives in a multiple dog household knows, sometimes we like to taunt each other – and then game on!

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Beautiful Views

April 25, 2014 |

Thursday was one of those picture-perfect spring days and we were all enjoying the beautiful views from our back yard. Thought we would share a few.

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Hunting Skills of a Q-Tip

April 24, 2014 |

While several members of The Herd are quite adept at hunting skills, at least one seems to have missed that day in Siberian training.

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How To Look Tough

April 23, 2014 |

Whether stalking prey or defending turf, it is important to look tough. For Typhoon, that requires lots of practice. How do you rate his success?

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On The Edge of Trouble

April 22, 2014 |

Frankie and Cheoah are responsible for keeping the young Typhoon out of messes, but that is difficult when a certain pup is always on the edge of trouble.

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