News / Blog Posts

Nonstop Excitement

July 2, 2014 |

Many of our readers ask why we don’t do more posts on our senior dogs. Well, let’s check in on their nonstop excitement.

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The Couch Fights Back

July 1, 2014 |

We have shared so many posts about how the couch has been so abused, but today we share how the couch fights back.

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Inside Rules

June 30, 2014 |

We have a great outdoor space for roughhousing and a terrific inside space for hanging out. We just have to remember the inside rules.

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Perimeter Patrols

June 29, 2014 |

The Seniors take perimeter patrols very seriously.  Rain or shine.  Hot weather or cold.

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The Nose Knows

June 28, 2014 |

We dogs certainly like our creative sleeping styles as Typhoon can so well demonstrate.  In this case, only the nose knows if this is comfortable.

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Office With A View

June 27, 2014 |

The hu-dad has worked in a lot of offices over the years, but he thinks his study is the best office with a view ever.  Natasha agrees.

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Table Manners

June 26, 2014 |

Periodically, the hu-dad realizes he hears too much silence, does a quick nose count, and realizes that one member of The Herd or another is up to something.  Imagine his surprise with who is exhibiting such table manners.

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Summer Reruns

June 25, 2014 |

It is a good thing that the hu-dad is a movie fan and doesn’t watch much TV, especially since all you can see are summer reruns.  Of course, he said he can see summer reruns without turning on the TV.

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A Different Perspective

June 24, 2014 |

Just when you think you have seen every possible way to sit on a couch, you just need to take a different perspective.

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Containing a Typhoon

June 23, 2014 |

We have shown you before how Typhoon likes to walk backwards while we are hiking.  Containing a Typhoon is difficult, but we have dug into our bag of dog sledding equipment and added a neck line.  Yep, Typhoon is now connected to Cheoah for walking and she makes sure that he keeps facing the right…

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Quiet Reading Time

June 22, 2014 |

When hu-dad is looking for some quiet reading time, he will often sit on the back porches enjoying the cool breezes – and our company! The question is how much reading he actually is able to accomplish.

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Office Help

June 21, 2014 |

Yes, we know that yesterday was Take Your Dog to Work Day, but that is common for us since hu-dad works from his study. While most of us prefer spending our days lounging on the deck, Frankie takes his job as office help very seriously. Even if he does get a little distracted some times.

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