Table Manners

Periodically, the hu-dad realizes he hears too much silence, does a quick nose count, and realizes that one member of The Herd or another is up to something. ย Imagine his surprise with who is exhibiting such table manners.

great view of the yard

What a great view of the yard.

didn't hear you coming.

Oh, hi, Hu-dad. I didn’t hear you coming.

nice and clean

I was just making sure the dining room table was nice and clean.

passed inspection

Ok, Hu-dad, you passed inspection, so I should probably go do something else now.


  1. Danielle on June 26, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    Oh!! A picnic table…indoors!! Great idea!

  2. Furbabys on June 26, 2014 at 12:14 pm

    I think Frankie has done this before and Hu~dad didn’t see it.. Frankie looks very calm and comfortable sitting on the table and then the final inspection so meticulously done with out moving the place mats or center piece. I think all furbabys are born to do a specific job.. So that puts Frankie in a possible “Detective” position.. he’s merely doing his j.o.b. ๐Ÿ˜‰ or Private Investigator by the look on his face he is investigating and looking for clues ๐Ÿ˜‰ !!

  3. Random Felines on June 26, 2014 at 11:17 am

    wait – you AREN’T allowed on the table??? ๐Ÿ™‚ We do it here all the time. guess the rules are different for you dogs

  4. Anna the GSD on June 26, 2014 at 10:36 am

    You are such a pro inspektor. Not one placemat was moved or messed up. That means you are a pro and dad should just let you do your job. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Billie on June 26, 2014 at 8:37 am

    Lol Frankie. Were you playing king of the table inside instead of outside? Thank you for the laugh this morning. I’m sure hu-dad won’t want to catch you up there again though.

  6. Jennifer on June 26, 2014 at 7:01 am

    I bet he was surprised!!! I was thinking it was the usual Typhoon.

  7. Mom 'n Ice on June 26, 2014 at 5:24 am

    Mom sez: Ohhhhhhhhoooooooo Frankie — YOU of all people (oops, I mean dogs!) I doubt that’s acceptable etiquette in your house. (Did you see anything good out the window, or find anything good on the table, while you were up there?)

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