News / Blog Posts
Serious Stalking
After yesterday’s post about the exploding bed, Qannik was asked if his dorkiness wasn’t an act. So, today, he wants to demonstrate his serious stalking skills.
Read Today's Herd StoryUnexplained Mysteries
After several days of rain, the sun was finally peeking from behind the clouds. Hu-dad took advantage of the drier weather by hanging up some of our dog beds outside (something about removing some sort of smell he noticed). imagine his surprise when he looked outside to discover one of those great unexplained mysteries. Looks…
Read Today's Herd StoryWorking Solo
With Queen Natasha the Evil still in recovery from her TPLO surgery, Kiska is working solo handling all of the security details. As the Queen’s right paw, Kiska has long handled security detail. But when she has sounded the alarm, Natasha has raced down to take over defense measures (which, of course, primarily involves being…
Read Today's Herd StoryStormy Day
With apologies to Edward Bulwer-Lytton and, more well known, Charles Schultz and Peanuts . . . it was a dark and stormy day. We had over 2 1/4 inches (5.7 cm) of rain and wind gusts up to 38 mph (61 kmph), so we spent most of the day inside. So let’s tally this – two…
Read Today's Herd StoryTPLO Recovery Week 1 & 4
Yesterday marked the four week anniversary since Natasha’s surgery and today is the one week mark since Cheoah’s surgery. Thus, it is time for our weekly TPLO Recovery update! Cheoah is progressing very well one week post surgery. She has started trying to use the leg (which we don’t really allow with the sling as a…
Read Today's Herd StoryOuttakes
Yesterday, we showed you some photographs of our fall colors. Of course, when photographing canines, you always have some outtakes – those pictures that just don’t quite make the cut. Here are a few more pictures of Kiska and Qannik around the yard. And remember that picture of Kiska we used yesterday? Well, here is…
Read Today's Herd StoryFall Colors
Fall days are great for so many reasons – cooler weather and fall colors being at the top of that list. No story today – just some pictures from around the house.
Read Today's Herd StoryMirror Image
With Cheoah recovering from surgery, the two younger brothers – Frankie and Typhoon – are hanging out together a lot. That is creating a little challenge for the Hu-dad who keeps calling them by each other’s names. As Typhoon develops the muscles of a two-year old, he is beginning to be a mirror image of…
Read Today's Herd StoryVentilation
Have to love fall weather. Frost and a hard freeze at the beginning of the week and warm yesterday (high of 67F / 19C). As Siberian Huskies, that means we are always looking for the best ventilation.
Read Today's Herd StoryHome Sweet Home Part 2
We are celebrating Home Sweet Home Part 2 – Cheoah home from her surgery. Everything went really well and now we begin the long road to recovery. Thank you everyone for well wishes. Cheoah enjoyed being back home and the special attention of her crate being set up in the Hu-dad’s study. Of course, the…
Read Today's Herd StorySearching for a Cause
Excellent news. Cheoah’s surgery was a success and she was recovering well yesterday afternoon. Barring any complications, we expect her to come home today and begin her recuperation. Many of you asked how we accomplished having not one, but two torn CCL’s here at Chez Herd. Our surgeon said it was probably just bad luck,…
Read Today's Herd StorySurgery #2 / TPLO Recovery Week 3
Surgery #2 day – Cheoah’s turn for TPLO surgery to repair her damaged CCL. Fortunately, we have Natasha’s tremendous progress as a benchmark as she completes TPLO Recovery Week 3. Natasha, three weeks post surgery, is continuing to recover very well. She so wants to use her leg again, run, and manage the Herd, but…
Read Today's Herd Story