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Yesterday, we showed you some photographs of our fall colors. Of course, when photographing canines, you always have some outtakes – those pictures that just don’t quite make the cut. Here are a few more pictures of Kiska and Qannik around the yard.
And remember that picture of Kiska we used yesterday? Well, here is what happened just before and after that shot:
And, of course, Typhoon wanted to know why he wasn’t in the pictures . . .
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
We always end up with so many pictures that don’t make the blog – I think a blooper day would be kind of fun. 🙂
Monty and Harlow
The tree of life is so beautiful already. Please show more pics of it as it turns, if you can. Hope the ‘patients’ are behaving!
You must really enjoy the tree of life changing in the fall. It’s such a beautiful thing.