News / Blog Posts

Early Christmas Present

December 18, 2021 |

Our Hu-Dad got us the bestest early Christmas present ever. You should hear his mumbles of joy, but you have to visit the website for all the photos, so click that link!

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The Older Sibling Curse

December 17, 2021 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey likes being known as the Little Curmudgeon, the Grumpy Gus no one wants to disturb. Most of his complaining falls on deaf ears—both canine and human—but at least he can nap in the yard without interruption. Problem is he now suffers from the older sibling curse—a younger sibling who adores him and can get away with anything. Don’t worry about poor Roscoe entering in this photo. Despite the warning look from Ty, the two of them were chasing and playing seconds after this shot. Naps will have to wait.

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The Princely Prance

December 16, 2021 |

Does His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey really think more highly of himself than his siblings or his humans? All you need to do is see the princely prance across the grass to know that His Haughtiness has rightly earned his nicknames.

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Santa Claus Down

December 14, 2021 |

We see interesting things on our sunrise walks, but the sight of Santa sprawled in a front yard and spilling into the street was disconcerting. Too much eggnog? Another overzealous SantaCon reveler? Or just another inflatable victim of cold overnight air? I guess you could say Santa was feeling a little deflated (our Hu-Dad has dozens of these, so we should stop now). Don’t worry, though, boys and girls, we’re the right Herd to solve this problem—one of us always has some air to share.

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Thinking Of Those Affected By Storms

December 12, 2021 |

The images coming out of the Midwestern and Southern states impacted by the storms this weekend were horrifying. Like many of you, we thought of family and friends as well as the many towns we’ve visited in the region. We hope for the best of outcomes, but know that many people lost their lives. For us, though, the storms ended up being less violent and brought us much needed rain to quench wildfires in our area. We even worked our afternoon walk in between the rain events. Well, mostly in between. We might have gotten the humans a little wet.

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Getting Sleepy

December 11, 2021 |

Landon spends his days as we’ve described so many times—bouncing and hopping around the house and yard. His seemingly endless energy and extraordinary exuberance earned him the nickname Boom Boom long ago. Alas, even the most energy-filled dog runs out of steam at some point. Yes, this is a rare photo of Boom Boom getting sleepy.

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Synchronized Snorfling

December 10, 2021 |

Once the rabbits and squirrels are chased from the yard (something Hu-Dad does before releasing us, for some odd reason), a mere human would think nothing is left to nibble. With nuts falling from the trees and delicious critters underground, we can always find something to snack. In the case of this photo, Frankie and Landon indulge in some synchronized snorfling of the tasty treats.

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Toast And Honey

December 9, 2021 |

We receive nutritious meals twice a day, but we’ve noticed the humans don’t eat the same thing. Some of their food is quite delicious smelling too. When Hu-Dad sat down to eat some toast and honey the other morning, Landon wandered over to express a slight interest in a taste test. Just for scientific purposes, of course.

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Not Thinking Of Trouble

December 7, 2021 |

Yesterday was a little rainy and dreary, so we didn’t want to hang out in the backyard and wrestle. Instead, we came inside where Hu-Dad asks that we keep the body slamming and tackling to an absolute minimum. Typhoon and Roscoe P. want to assure everyone that no matter what the picture looks like, they are absolutely, positively not thinking of trouble and breaking out into a chase.

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Ridiculously Happy

December 5, 2021 |

We should all take a lesson from Roscoe P. He loves going out to the yard. He loves coming back inside (as he is doing in the photo above). He loves going out for car rides or walks. He loves coming home. He loves cuddles with his humans and wrestling matches with his curmudgeonly brother. He is, quite simply, ridiculously happy about almost everything.

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Busy, Busy

December 4, 2021 |

As a working breed, we have so many tasks. We have to take the humans walking twice a day (they need the exercise, you know), supervise their food preparation, and remind them to go to bed on time. We also snoozervise the Hu-Dad when he works at his busyness with the clickety-clackety keyboard. On top of all of that, we take on the task of pest control keeping squirrels, rabbits, and moles out of the yard and deer and bear away from our fence. So pardon Typhoon’s serious look, but he didn’t have time to pose today.

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Guess What Happens Next

December 3, 2021 |

Hu-Dad settled onto the concrete of the patio with his telephoto lens to get an eye-level view of Frankie coming into the house. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, sure, you think you know, but do you really? Guess what happens next and then visit the full post to find out.

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