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Just in case any doubt might exist, Landon wants to make clear that he thinks he would like Hu-Dad’s toast and honey for breakfast too.
![Landon eyeing Hu-Dad's breakfast - toast and honey](
We receive nutritious meals twice a day, but we’ve noticed the humans don’t eat the same thing. Some of their food is quite delicious smelling too. When Hu-Dad sat down to eat some toast and honey the other morning, Landon wandered over to express a slight interest in a taste test. Just for scientific purposes, of course.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Those eyes ! I call them crazy eyes. Whenever I see my redhead with those I know trouble is coming !
Boom Boom is a smart pup. It looks yummy. I wouldn’t mind a taste taste myself. ?
Love the look in his eyes! I’m sure he would love the butter and honey. 🙂
Toast and Huskies!! When the bread pops up they always suddenly appear. Love the eyes.
OH MY GOSH-LOOK AT THAT FACE!!! His eyes are almost popping out of his head, So Hu-Dad-did you give in and give him a TINY taste???