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We were startled on our morning walk to come across a heinous crime scene—Santa Claus down during this festive time.
We see interesting things on our sunrise walks, but the sight of Santa sprawled in a front yard and spilling into the street was disconcerting. Too much eggnog? Another overzealous SantaCon reveler? Or just another inflatable victim of cold overnight air? I guess you could say Santa was feeling a little deflated (our Hu-Dad has dozens of these, so we should stop now). Don’t worry, though, boys and girls, we’re the right Herd to solve this problem—one of us always has some air to share.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Poor Santa is in serious distress.!! Sibes must help him to inflate!
Poor Roscoe’s in shock. 😀
LMAO! I needed a good non-stop giggle to start my morning!
Santa’s DOWN!
Poor Santa!! Sibes to the rescue..