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The photographer asked the Little Prince to pose for a couple of pictures, but Typhoon said he was too busy and didn’t have time to model.
As a working breed, we have so many tasks. We have to take the humans walking twice a day (they need the exercise, you know), supervise their food preparation, and remind them to go to bed on time. We also snoozervise the Hu-Dad when he works at his busyness with the clickety-clackety keyboard. On top of all of that, we take on the task of pest control keeping squirrels, rabbits, and moles out of the yard and deer and bear away from our fence. So pardon Typhoon’s serious look, but he didn’t have time to pose today.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Oh no Ty was striking a pose !!
Perfect sentry pose.
The Little Prince has taken over the BORDER PATROL and he does take his responsibilities very seriously!! Of course with Christmas coming he wants Santa Paws to know he being a good boy!
With that “serious” expression you can tell he takes his job very serious.