News / Blog Posts

A little to the right

Blowing Coat – The Fast Method

September 6, 2015 |

Siberian Huskies don’t shed. They molt. In large clumps of fur that horrify most mortals. Siberian Husky owners refer to it as blowing coat. The good news is that we only blow coat twice a year. It lasts somewhere between 2 and 4 weeks. The bad news is that we each pick a different month.…

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Serious Q

A Smiling Q Is Infectious

September 5, 2015 |

The most happy-go-lucky member of The Herd is Qannik. He is always grinning and, trust us, a smiling Q is infectious. You just can not help laughing at his good nature. Yes, yes, Q-Tip, we are focused solely on you today. We should explain to the readers that you had just been out enjoying a…

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sweet and angelic

Brothers – Different and the Same

September 4, 2015 |

While Frankie and Typhoon might really be step-brothers and not blood brothers, they do have a lot of similarities when it comes to looks. But in behavior, they are very different. They are always together – playing, wrestling, napping. And they have many similarities in looks since they are both black and white. Frankie, however,…

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comfortable and the value of basements

The Value of Basements

September 3, 2015 |

Just the other day, we showed you a major problem with picnics. Cheoah says we should take a moment and explain the connecting story – the value of basements. Cheesewhiz is settled under the picnic table – the basement – and points and out that she has shade and nice, cool dirt to lay in.…

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Same time tomorrow.

Pick Your Battles Carefully

September 2, 2015 |

We have all been cautioned, “Pick your battles carefully.” Unfortunately, some of us are very slow to learn these things. Or, more accurately, a certain fluffy white dog has fun picking the wrong battles.

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perfect weather for walking and a family walk

Perfect Walking Weather

September 1, 2015 |

September has finally arrived – a month of perfect walking weather. The heat has started to abate (ok, fair enough, since we never see 80ºF at the house, we don’t expect much sympathy on that one), but the brutal cold of winter is still a couple of months away. The tourist traffic is down with…

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Much better - always go for the upgrade.

Always Go For The Upgrade

August 31, 2015 |

Whether you are a frequent flyer, stay in hotels often, or a canine looking for the best napping spots, always go for the upgrade. Cheoah is no stranger to this philosophy and started looking for better options as soon as she found herself stretched out on the den floor yesterday evening. So why settle for the…

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what is Hu-Dad doing

The Fastest Route to Cooperation

August 30, 2015 |

With a Herd of six Siberian Huskies, Hu-Dad is always willing to try the fastest route to cooperation. Just yesterday . . . So Frankie stays up on the deck and Typhoon trots into the yard to discover Hu-Dad has the camera and is trying to capture pictures for today’s blog post. So what reaction…

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How peaceful

The Problem With Picnics

August 29, 2015 |

We have had several days of beautiful weather, which means the picnic table inside Chez Herd is in high demand. But we all know the problem with picnics. Cheoah’s proposal sure sounds promising, but Frankie is reluctant to leave the deck. Cheesewhiz persevered and went out for a peaceful nap on the picnic table. What…

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What Is Your Q Score?

August 28, 2015 |

Q Score is a marketing term that measures the familiarity and appeal of a brand, product, company or person. Of course, we have our own Q Score.

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plotting and scheming

Plotting and Scheming

August 27, 2015 |

Typhoon is well known for his plotting and scheming around Chez Herd. He is always convinced that he can get away with whatever he plans, but sometimes the Hu-Dad foils his efforts before they ever begin. Now would you humans be suspicious of that face? Ok, maybe you would be. The Hu-Dad sure is. And…

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Are you eating something?

How To Win Friends

August 26, 2015 |

Hu-Dad has apparently been studying Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends,” at least based on Cheoah’s reaction last night. Everything started out innocently enough as Cheoah was enjoying some couch time in the den. But as she scanned the room, she saw something of great interest. Why, yes, Hu-Dad was having a little snack as he was…

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