The Value of Basements

Just the other day, we showed you a major problem with picnics. Cheoah says we should take a moment and explain the connecting story – the value of basements.

comfortable and the value of basements

Ah, this is comfortable.

Cheesewhiz is settled under the picnic table – the basement – and points and out that she has shade and nice, cool dirt to lay in.

well maintained holes

And very well maintained holes to snuggle in.

Of course, the only challenge is that a basement does not have the best view in the world, so she does sometimes go to the “penthouse” of the picnic table.

so relaxing

So relaxing.

Of course, as we explained the other day, there are weaknesses to the top of the picnic table.




  1. All Things Collie on September 3, 2015 at 9:13 am

    What is it about picnic tables? Our dogs wouldn’t think of laying on the dining room table, but picnic tables are considered fair game.

    • The Thundering Herd on September 3, 2015 at 11:08 am

      We will neither confirm nor deny that some of us might have been found on the dining room table.

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