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Siberian Huskies don’t shed. They molt. In large clumps of fur that horrify most mortals. Siberian Husky owners refer to it as blowing coat.
The good news is that we only blow coat twice a year. It lasts somewhere between 2 and 4 weeks. The bad news is that we each pick a different month. If you do that math, you will discover why someone is always blowing coat at Chez Herd.
Every Siberian Husky owner has his/her own way to speed the process along. Hu-Dad is a big believer in the Air Force Commander 2-Speed Dryer. A brush is great for detail work, but when removing huge gobs of hair at once, the blower works quickly.
And for those who wonder if we like it, the face below explains it all. Yes, we love it. Ok, except for Typhoon. But Typhoon hates anything that the humans expect him to do. Just on a matter of principle.
In about 15 minutes, we removed tons of fur from the Q-Tip which did help to de-fluff him some.
Guess we are all just getting ready for the winter.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Soooo that’s where the cotton ends of Q-Tips come from?
Yes, our Q is a cotton making machine.
We need a video of this! I can’t imagine an animal enjoying this! But the face counters all my beliefs in pictures! My huskies have always tried to either destroy a vacuum or a blower, or manage to magically try to phase thru a wall to escape one. But Q looks like he’s high as a kite from it.
We LOVE our Blower!! We have the same one as you only in green!
I’ll take the Juno’s molting to my rescued lab mixes shedding, any time. I wish she enjoyed it as much as Q-Tip does, but at least she doesn’t scream through the wash ‘n dry process. A good blower is a must. (The fur makes good bird nest insulation. I find it in them occasionally.)
Just wondering how loud the blower is…any ideas on how to get them used to it?
It is as loud as a small vacuum, so hardly whisper quiet. None of us liked the noise to begin with, but it feels so good that we all settle into it fairly quickly. Well, except Typhoon.
Keeli is very much like Typhoon in this matter. She hates being brushed, getting blow dried, or getting her nails done.
How many go rounds does it usually take? I am now ppositive mine will like it as both like to be vacuumed, a very recent accidental discovery. I think it is time for me to invest.
Qtip, so handsome!
Takes about 10-15 minutes every day or 2 or 3 for the couple of weeks that they are blowing coat. Does not speed up the blowing, but sure does slow down the “hair drops” around the house.