The Problem With Picnics

We have had several days of beautiful weather, which means the picnic table inside Chez Herd is in high demand. But we all know the problem with picnics.

let's go hang out out the picnic table.

What a beautiful day. Let’s go hang out on the picnic table.

Cheoah’s proposal sure sounds promising, but Frankie is reluctant to leave the deck.

the problem with picnics

Staying right here, Cheese. You know the problem with picnics.

Cheesewhiz persevered and went out for a peaceful nap on the picnic table. What could be more restful?

How peaceful

How peaceful.

But Cheoah. What about the problems Frankie talked about? What could go wrong?

pests show up invited.

Anytime you have a picnic, the pests always show up uninvited.

We don’t see any pests. What are you talking about?

Now do you see

Now do you see?


  1. Lori on August 29, 2015 at 6:48 am

    I love that face Cheese Whiz???

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on August 29, 2015 at 4:58 am

    Mom sez: By the look on Cheoah’s face, Typhoon is about as welcome as ants, at THIS picnic!

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