News / Blog Posts

I don't see a chipmunk, Hu-Dad.

Puff The Magic Typhoon

March 23, 2017 |

Typhoon created a little excitement around Chez Herd yesterday, so much so that he earned a new nickname, Puff, and a trip to the vet. Yes, that is one swollen nose with very puffy eyes. Mid-morning, Hu-Dad noticed that Typhoon usually skinny and pointy beak was ballooning, so he earned an unscheduled trip to the…

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Oooooh, this is fun.

A Slight Hole In Our Spring Day

March 22, 2017 |

Yesterday was a perfect spring-like day encouraging lots of sunshine napping at Chez Herd, though we did have a slight hole develop. The art of napping is lost on the young and their endless energy.  Let’s say that almost everyone enjoyed lots of sunshine napping while a certain youngster amused himself. Don’t worry. While the…

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Just checking on my bunnies.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

March 21, 2017 |

With our utmost apologies to the Coen Brothers to the obvious movie reference, Typhoon appears to be wondering O Brother, where art thou . . . going? Frankie Suave’s favorite activity is soaking up the sunshine. Thus, he can usually be found on the deck, under the Tree of Life, or on the picnic table…

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A Different Serious Scanning Sentry

March 20, 2017 |

Everyone knows that Kiska is a serious scanning sentry, ever watchful for threats outside Sibe Quentin. But how about this for some you do not expect? Some rabbits were playing just on the other side of the fence and those games attracted a fuzzy Siberian attention. What was surprising was who was sitting still and…

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Look at these two angels.

Sort of Behaving Herd Style

March 19, 2017 |

Hu-Dad thought he would catch a couple of photographs of Typhoon and Cheoah when they were sort of behaving (by Herd definitions). Sadly, they thought the photo op would last exactly one frame, because behavior rapidly declined after the first flash. Typhoon does realize that the above picture makes him look like the troublemaker, but…

Read Today's Herd Story
Where have you been? Why were we left behind?

Reserved Reactions To The Humans Return

March 18, 2017 |

The humans abandoned us to go to a restaurant. When they returned to Chez Herd, they were greeted with reserved reactions. Mostly. For some reason that we can not fathom, our humans think they have the right to go into town without us. Something about going to a restaurant for a nice, quiet meal. Why…

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Boom Boom Choir – Film Friday

March 17, 2017 |

Kiska is our long-standing Choir Mistress, but sometimes she allows someone else to be a guest conductor. And so we present our guest conductor with the Boom Boom Choir. Our Sibernacle Choir holds rehearsals several times a day to keep our singing voices in shape. Miss Kiska has long been our Choir Mistress, insisting that…

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Mr. Handsome himself, Frankie Suave.

Handsome Posing In The Snow

March 16, 2017 |

Frankie Suave is known for his calm manners and his loving nature. But he is also known as Mr. Handsome and this photo proves it. He earned the nickname Frankie Suave by the confident way he carries himself – well, unless there is thunder, but we all have a weakness. His favorite perch is the…

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The Little Prince reflects while sitting calmly in the cold snow.

Professional Working Dog Response

March 15, 2017 |

After a long winter of too little snow, we finally received a reasonable snow yesterday. Of course, we had to provide a professional working dog response. The snow started falling Monday evening and continued to fall throughout the day Tuesday. This is the sort of snow that we have expect to have on a regular…

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Claiming the picnic table.

Cheesewhiz – The Outdoor Version

March 14, 2017 |

So many of our posts of Cheoah involve her indoor antics, so she requested that we post an outdoor version to prove she does leave the couch. Cheoah believes firmly in the comforts of her couch and a roaring fire in the fireplace, but she insisted on a pictorial session proving her outdoor mettle. She…

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Snow. Glorious Snow!

A Little Southern Snow And Go

March 13, 2017 |

Yes, we received some snow Sunday morning. Unfortunately, it was a classic Southern Snow And Go which disappeared as quickly as it fell. We woke up Sunday morning to a fresh three inches of snow on the ground. Not as much as we were predicted to receive, but it was still snow in a winter…

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Better happen, Hu-Dad. Not so patiently waiting for snow.

Not So Patiently Waiting For Snow

March 12, 2017 |

Promises were made yesterday that we would see some real snow, so we would best be described as not so patiently waiting here at Chez Herd. We had quite a few snow showers throughout the day on Saturday, but virtually no accumulation. But we could certainly smell the snow and kept asking Hu-Dad to let…

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