O Brother, Where Art Thou?

With our utmost apologies to the Coen Brothers to the obvious movie reference, Typhoon appears to be wondering O Brother, where art thou . . . going?

Frankie wandering through Sibe Quentin.

Frankie wandering through Sibe Quentin.

Frankie Suave’s favorite activity is soaking up the sunshine. Thus, he can usually be found on the deck, under the Tree of Life, or on the picnic table – wherever the best sun can be found at the moment. Yesterday evening, however. clouds had moved in for tonight’s rains, so Frankie’s foray into the yard was unusual.

O Brother Frankie Suave, where art thou going?

O Brother Frankie Suave, where art thou going?

Knowing Typhoon, theĀ greater concern was that Frankie might have spotted a rabbit – and chasing rabbits is Typhoon’s favorite hobby.

Just checking on my bunnies.

Just checking on my bunnies.


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on March 21, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    Mom sez: As “cool” and laid back as Frankie is, I think I could see him befriending wayward bunnies, before chasing them.

  2. Lori on March 21, 2017 at 7:11 am

    Don’t worry Typhoon your bunnies are all safe and sound…. waiting for your chase ????

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