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The humans abandoned us to go to a restaurant. When they returned to Chez Herd, they were greeted with reserved reactions. Mostly.
For some reason that we can not fathom, our humans think they have the right to go into town without us. Something about going to a restaurant for a nice, quiet meal. Why would the humans want a nice, quiet meal? What is the point of that?
When they returned, we gave them our most serious, somber response to being left home alone. Well, most of us did.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Our Lukas (aka..WooHoo) must be Landon’s twin brother from another mother. Both seem to have, shall we say, an exuberant personality and came from the same rescue here in NC. Well played Landon/BoomBoom!
Pack members are not allowed to leave the pack. I’ve come home to trash strewn around and of course, the welcome home like I’ve been gone for days greeting. Oy vey!
The seasoned Thundering Herd members know just how to push the guilt button on you humans! Yes Landon… you’ll learn, son, you’ll learn.
Mom sez: How can you get away with going out to a restaurant for a meal, and not being mugged to death when you get home? Whenever we go out for a meal, we get the real “down and dirty” once-over”, and then “over and over”, until Ebby could tell us exactly what we had for supper by the food smells on our clothes. She could probably also tell us which restaurant we went to, as well!