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So many of our posts of Cheoah involve her indoor antics, so she requested that we post an outdoor version to prove she does leave the couch.
Cheoah believes firmly in the comforts of her couch and a roaring fire in the fireplace, but she insisted on a pictorial session proving her outdoor mettle.
She doesn’t pretend that napping outside, like her brothers, is high on her list of pleasures. But a stroll through the yard can still be fun.
Some patches of snow remain from this weekend’s system. And predictions suggest another 4-6 inches of snow. Cheoah says that sounds great, but . . .
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
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I am with you on the couch thing. Hiking, playing, all that high energy stuff is fun and all but I do love my couch.
The best of both worlds.
Did Q-Tip also get outside and have a snowy nose??
We can barely get Q inside.
I’m with you Cheoah… a comfy couch and a blazing fireplace are #1 in my book too ❤
Outside is nice, but a girl likes her comfort.????