Puff The Magic Typhoon

Typhoon created a little excitement around Chez Herd yesterday, so much so that he earned a new nickname, Puff, and a trip to the vet.

Puff the Magic Typhoon

Puff the Magic Typhoon

Yes, that is one swollen nose with very puffy eyes. Mid-morning, Hu-Dad noticed that Typhoon usually skinny and pointy beak was ballooning, so he earned an unscheduled trip to the vet. A swelling nose is a sign of an allergic reaction and we treated those symptoms. As of this writing yesterday evening, Typhoon’s nose was getting close to a normal size. Fortunately, he never had any breathing difficulties, just a most unusual looking face. And, we have not identified – yet – whatever caused the allergic reaction.

I don't see a chipmunk, Hu-Dad.

I don’t see a chipmunk, Hu-Dad.

We also noted that Typhoon has dropped 1.5 pounds thanks to his extremely picky eating habits. We have decided to do an ultrasound scan Thursday morning to see if we can identify any physical reason for his lack of appetite. The usual outward signs including full blood panels do not highlight any issue, but we continue to try and solve the ever challenging diet habits.

For those new readers, Typhoon has turned down every imaginable food at some point, including such delicacies as steak, hamburger, chicken, pork, turkey, rabbit, salmon, etc., etc. And the old tough love approach of just leaving the food down for a short period of time and then taking it up only causes his weight to plummet. And so we continue to try to solve the mystery of the Typhoon Tastebuds.

Oh, and would someone please make Hu-Dad stop singing made up lyrics to Puff The Magic Typhoon? The Little Prince is not amused.



  1. Annika on March 23, 2017 at 1:59 pm

    Ulfie got a football nose from what the vet thought was an encounter with a wolf spider 🙁 . Scary when it happens and before you know how bad the reaction will get! Hope he recovers and is able to put on some weight again!

  2. Sea Wolf on March 23, 2017 at 10:32 am

    I would wonder too if he managed to find a sleepy bee somewhere and Sample it. Poor pup. And yes I would probably Panic too and take my dog to the vet. Good luck with that internal exam.

  3. Carolyn on March 23, 2017 at 8:07 am

    When Maddox got stung by bees last year I was in total freak out mode, his entire face swollen. Your post seems very calm but I know that had to be scary! We had to mainline Benadryl. I hope you guys can figure out why Puff won’t eat.

  4. Lori on March 23, 2017 at 7:24 am

    Awww poor baby boy! Did you try to eat a bee?? I hope you feel much better today. I’m praying for answers to your picky eating mystery too. ❤

  5. Jane on March 23, 2017 at 7:19 am

    Being all puffy from an allergic reaction is no fun. I hope you guys can figure out the cause. Maybe Ty only really likes fruit and veggies. He’d be one weird dog not to like meat, but it’s possible. The only thing my Bruce doesn’t like is fresh bananas and I think it’s because of the texture because he loves banana chips lol. His favorite is tomatoes. When we grow cherry tomatoes he is in heaven. He gets a little ball to play with and eat lol. Hugs and kisses to the herd.

    • KJ Pierson on March 24, 2017 at 10:08 pm

      My Leena, another husky, will attack you to get at a banana. You’ll end up with a lap dog in a second if you try to ignore her while you have one.

  6. Deidre on March 23, 2017 at 6:28 am

    Poor buddy! ???????? For good results from the scan from the Hokie Pack!!

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