News / Blog Posts

Hu-Dad! Help!

Frankie’s Problem Containment

July 10, 2017 |

Frankie’s role as big brother includes the important task of problem containment and he can be quite creative in his solutions. Hu-dad is often asked how often he closes the doors on our crates. The answer is quite rarely. We get our meals in closed crates (which allows each dog to eat at his own…

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Landon wooing, Cheoah laughing, and Frankie rolling his eyes - Saturday evening games

Playing Saturday Evening Games

July 9, 2017 |

A mid-afternoon storm rumbled over our mountains, but the rain stopped and the sky cleared just in time for our Saturday Evening Games. The storm was intense, if brief. Lightning, thunder, strong winds, and a deluge of rain. But then the clouds were chased away just in time for a spectacular sunset and a pleasant evening.…

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You will not believe my suffering.

The Cause Of A Princess Pout?

July 8, 2017 |

With a screech of horror, Cheoah threw herself into a fullscale princess pout. What could possibly be the cause of such emotional distress? Busily working in his study, Hu-Dad jumped at the sound of Cheoah protesting loudly. He scrambled to the den and found Cheesewhiz staring at her favorite ottoman, her prime afternoon napping spot.…

Read Today's Herd Story

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

July 7, 2017 |

Frankie started blowing coat this week, so Hu-Dad brought out the big guns for this week’s Film Friday – Hair Today Gone Tomorrow. Several years ago, as Hu-Dad was struggling to brush us out with a traditional rake brush, a friend suggested he try Metrovac Air Force Commander. If you go to dog shows, you…

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Don't I look better, kid?

Cleaning Up, Feeling Good

July 6, 2017 |

Hu-Dad helped Frankie to remove some of his blowing coat by cleaning him up, and he is feeling quite good about the results. As we mentioned yesterday, Frankie decided this was a good week to blow coat. The undercoat just exploded and he looked like a mess – not the Frankie Suave that we all…

Read Today's Herd Story

Reacting To A Pleasant Surprise

July 5, 2017 |

We canines rarely exhibit our emotions freely, so our pure reactions to a pleasant surprise seem to always make humans smile. Hu-Dad loves the picture above for several reasons. First, Landon’s total adoration of his big brother leaps out. Landon bounces and zooms, but he is always looking to be as close as possible to…

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How dare Mother Nature displease me.

Fear The Little Prince’s Wrath

July 4, 2017 |

Typhoon pickiness displays itself in many everyday occurrences. but nothing attracts the Little Prince’s wrath as much as weather interrupting his fun. Yesterday, Typhoon spent the morning napping in Hu-Dad’s office while Cheoah claimed her usual couch in the den. Everyone else remained outside. Around midday, the weather shifted and a small storm rolled over…

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Silly humans. Wouldn't you rather be doing this?

Long Holiday Weekend Or Working?

July 3, 2017 |

A question for all of our American friends this Independence Day Eve. Are you working today or are you taking a long holiday weekend? Hu-Dad works from his study, so we are his only co-workers. He plans to be striving away throughout the day, with the appropriate breaks to handle our requests for attention. But…

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Cousin Tartok

Hu-Dad Visiting Cousins Ruby & Tartok

July 2, 2017 |

Hu-Dad traveled to the other side of the valley visiting cousins Ruby and Tartok and, of course, our Hu-Grandmom at her house. Hu-Grandmom might have prepared her famous lasagna, but we are sure Hu-Dad’s real reason for his visit was to see our Sibe-Cousins. Tartok has his own personal man cave – a hidey spot under…

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Fix this now, Hu-Dad.

Handling Boredom On A Rainy Day

July 1, 2017 |

Yesterday’s chance of showers turned into a day long drizzly rain. And how adept was everyone at handling boredom on a rainy day? On one extreme was, of course, Landon. Boom Boom is a firm believer in perpetual motion, but Big Brother Frankie grew tired of his antics and told him to settle down. The…

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Security Before The Storm

Security Before The Storm – Film Friday

June 30, 2017 |

Summer is the time for little pop-up rain showers and yesterday was no exception. Kiska took one look at the darkening skies and called an “all paws on deck” event – security before the storm was her priority. Each member of The Herd raced off to their assigned tasks – some more capable than others.…

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Here bunny, bunny, bunny.

The Other Side Of The Fence

June 29, 2017 |

Humans say that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Typhoon says to the real problem is that is where the rabbits are. Hu-Dad continues his rabbit protection program – scanning the yard for Peter Cottontail before allowing The Herd into Sibe Quentin. The rabbits are very thankful for the advanced warning,…

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