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A question for all of our American friends this Independence Day Eve. Are you working today or are you taking a long holiday weekend?
Hu-Dad works from his study, so we are his only co-workers. He plans to be striving away throughout the day, with the appropriate breaks to handle our requests for attention.
But since Independence Day falls on a Tuesday, who among our readers is taking today off to make a really long holiday weekend? Or are you working today, off Tuesday, and working again later this week?
And who is just taking the whole week off?
And, of course, for our law enforcement, medical, firefighting and military friends, we know you all work any and every day. We salute you for that!
P.S. – If you want to read a cautionary tale, Hu-Dad’s short story of the week is a tale of a Frenetic Fireworks Finale.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Long weekend!
And I sure love Typhoon!
My workplace was closed yesterday and today so new computer programs can be installed. I had to work Saturday but most of my co-workers are getting a four day weekend.
Working until 1:00pm today and off tomorrow. Back to work on Wednesday! Reading about the gang every morning puts a smile on my face for the day!
My husband works from home as well… and he’s working today. I have NO idea why! He hates his job, he has 5 weeks paid vacation time coming but never takes even a full week at one time because he says things are in just too much of a mess when he gets back if he does that, and he hasn’t taken one day vacation yet this year.
He’s either a workaholic or… he really loves his job but isn’t telling me & hasn’t notified his face or disposition.
I think it’s the former! 🙂
Happy 4th of July!
Today is our Hu-mom’s birthday
She insists that Hu-dad take the day off, or at least work from home
We all plan to nap extra special to celebrate and wait for all the noms that will come our way
Happy Birthday!