Hu-Dad Visiting Cousins Ruby & Tartok

Hu-Dad traveled to the other side of the valley visiting cousins Ruby and Tartok and, of course, our Hu-Grandmom at her house.

Cousin Tartok

Cousin Tartok

Hu-Grandmom might have prepared her famous lasagna, but we are sure Hu-Dad’s real reason for his visit was to see our Sibe-Cousins. Tartok has his own personal man cave – a hidey spot under some Catawba Rhododendron – where he can monitor all of the people and critters who wander by their house. Tok gave our Hu-Dad a full run-down on all of those happenings – and scored some ear scratches as a reward.

Ruby, of course, complained mostly about Tartok and how hard it is to have a brother around the house. Kiska and Cheoah sympathize with Ruby.

Boys. Such a pain.

Boys. Such a pain.


  1. KJ Pierson on July 3, 2017 at 7:41 pm

    What?!?! No Herd visitation for Lasagna as well??? EVIL

  2. Zoe on July 2, 2017 at 11:51 am

    What no lasagna left overs for the Sibe tribe???? I’m sure Typhoon would have gladly added to his weight gaining diet with some of Hu-grandmother famous lasagna??!!?

  3. Pat and Rebel on July 2, 2017 at 10:59 am

    Happy 4th to the Thundering Herd and extended family.

  4. Lori on July 2, 2017 at 7:25 am

    Happy 4th of July Ruby, Tartok, and Hu-Grandmom ❤️????????

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