News / Blog Posts

The picture of innocence, right?

Shedding The Bad Boy Reputation

September 20, 2017 |

Typhoon has long had the reputation as the biggest bad boy of the Herd, but he comes to his own defense in today’s Herd post. The Little Prince would like everyone to know that his juvenile delinquent reputation is overblown. Oh, sure, he does like trouble. Loves to counter surf. Shreds found pieces of paper…

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What are you doing out there with the camera, Hu-Dad?

Is The Chief Of Security Camera Shy?

September 19, 2017 |

In a wordless (and wooless) exchange last night, Hu-Dad and our Chief of Security, Miss Kiska, discussed whether she was camera shy. Hu-Dad stood in the dog lot taking pictures of the antics of the younger Herd when he realized Miss Kiska was watching him. He turned and snapped a few photos of that precious,…

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Are you calling me?

I Don’t Wanna; Talk To The Tail

September 18, 2017 |

Landon perfectly demonstrates that mysterious trait of Siberian Deafness, also known as the “I don’t wanna” disease and expressed by a flick of the tail. The humans like to drive down to the valley for dinner on Sunday evenings. The weekend tourist crowd has returned to their home cities, so restaurants are easy to get…

Read Today's Herd Story
When are we going S-RVing?

Setting Up A New Herd S-RV

September 17, 2017 |

We have traded for a new Herd S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle) and Hu-Dad has been busy the last couple of days setting it up for our comfort. Our new ride has been on order since early spring and it finally came from the factory. Before we can take it out for our first camping trip,…

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Notice the "suave" paw rest while handing the big bro watch.

Frankie Suave Big Bro Watch

September 16, 2017 |

Around Chez Herd, when we say Big Brother is watching, we mean the Big Bro Frankie Suave is monitoring the activity of his siblings. Mr. cool, calm, collected (and, of course, suave) Frankie has a favorite perch on the porch where he can both monitor the rabbits in the south yard as well as keep…

Read Today's Herd Story

Post-Hurricane Irma Effect – Film Friday

September 15, 2017 |

People are still recovering from Hurricane Harvey and now Hurricane Irma has done so much damage. We are thinking of everyone who has been impacted by these terrible storms. Once again, we have been blessed. By the time Irma reached Chez Herd, only some rain and wind remained. Plus our chilly weather stayed in place,…

Read Today's Herd Story
Where have you been all day, Hu-Dad?

Entertainment Value Versus Work

September 14, 2017 |

Hu-dad needs to be reminded periodically that his entertainment value is his greatest asset – no matter what other work he accomplishes. Our firewood for the coming winter was delivered yesterday morning, all of which needed to be stacked in the firewood bins. We go through a good bit of firewood keeping things warm in…

Read Today's Herd Story
Come on. Who is with me?

Youthful Exuberance In The Storm

September 13, 2017 |

Yesterday continues the rainy, foggy, windy, cool weather from Irma, but youthful exuberance had one member of The Herd saying, “Enough!” Irma has been mostly an inconvenience for us, frankly no stronger than a typical storm crossing the mountain ridges. We have had a couple of days of rainy, drizzly weather coupled with wind and…

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Warm, dry and quiet in Hu-Dad's study.

Frankie Suave Waits Out The Storm

September 12, 2017 |

Frankie Suave has always been quite clear of his distaste for storms, so he waits out Irma in the hopes of clearing weather soon. Fortunately for us, Irma is not any stronger than a lot of storm systems that cross our mountains. Winds have been strong, if not particularly excessive. Rain has been steady, but…

Read Today's Herd Story
Checking to make sure "my" rabbits will be ok . . . for now.

Storm Preparation Teamwork

September 11, 2017 |

We are thinking of everyone dealing with Hurricane Irma today and hope that they had the same storm preparation teamwork that we had. Fortunately, our forecast has steadily improved and we are only expecting some steady winds and heavy rains. In other words, a fairly normal mountain storm. Hopefully, all we have to deal with…

Read Today's Herd Story
I will catch it.

Nighttime Hunter Stalks His Prey

September 10, 2017 |

You probably did not know that we have a masterful nighttime hunter in our midst – and we have rare picture of him stalking his prey. Typhoon hunts rabbits and voles, but Landon seeks a loftier prey. His skill and finesse are astounding to watch as he stalks the tasty morsels, circling them until he…

Read Today's Herd Story
I was so offended.

Escaping The Unnatural Heat

September 9, 2017 |

Offended by the unnatural heat of a space heater, Typhoon did the Siberian Husky equivalent of out of the frying pan and into the fire. Typically, Typhoon and Cheoah like to claim space in Hu-Dad’s study first thing in the mornings while everyone else is outside. Hu-Dad upset that system yesterday by turning on his…

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