I Don’t Wanna; Talk To The Tail

Landon perfectly demonstrates that mysterious trait of Siberian Deafness, also known as the “I don’t wanna” disease and expressed by a flick of the tail.

Are you calling me?

Are you calling me?

The humans like to drive down to the valley for dinner on Sunday evenings. The weekend tourist crowd has returned to their home cities, so restaurants are easy to get into. Besides, it is a great way for the humans to wrap up a weekend. Since we are all required to be inside when the humans are gone (something about the wildlife surrounding Chez herd), we all get called inside. Landon, however, decided he was enjoying the weather, so Siberian Deafness was engaged.

Talk to the tail.

Talk to the tail.

Boom Boom keeps forgetting that this is not Hu-Dad’s first rodeo, so the rattling of the treat jar brought a different reaction.

Oh, why didn't you say you wanted me to come inside?

Oh, why didn’t you say you wanted me to come inside?


  1. S Deaver on September 18, 2017 at 5:25 pm

    There aren’t too many dogs who will pass up a treat! Smart, Landon!

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