Storm Preparation Teamwork

We are thinking of everyone dealing with Hurricane Irma today and hope that they had the same storm preparation teamwork that we had.

Ok, troops, fan out.

Ok, troops, fan out.

Fortunately, our forecast has steadily improved and we are only expecting some steady winds and heavy rains. In other words, a fairly normal mountain storm.

Wonder how much rain I can soak up in my coat?

Wonder how much rain I can soak up in my coat?

Hopefully, all we have to deal with is some downed limbs and maybe some time without power. Electricity sometimes just goes out up here which is why we have a generator for the house.

Checking to make sure "my" rabbits will be ok . . . for now.

Checking to make sure “my” rabbits will be ok . . . for now.

Some members of The Herd will not have their routine disturbed at all since they like hanging out indoors anyway.

Just need to make sure my fluffy couch is fine.

Just need to make sure my fluffy couch is fine.

Others may not like all of the noise from wind and thunder.

I don't plan to come back outside until Wednesday. I can hold it.

I don’t plan to come back outside until Wednesday. I can hold it.

And others don’t seem to approach a storm differently than anything else.

Game time!

Game time!



  1. Lori on September 11, 2017 at 2:03 pm

    So glad you’re all ok!!!

  2. KJ Pierson on September 11, 2017 at 9:52 am

    DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD where’s my shirt…the sky’s yelling at me again.

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