News / Blog Posts
Dog Tired From A Long Trip Home
Our Fall S-RV Beach Week has come to an end. After traveling home all day long yesterday, we can officially declare we are dog tired. Woof! We pulled out of our campsite shortly after 8 am Sunday morning and got to Maggie Valley around 3 pm (the trip included refueling the S-RV and a bathroom…
Read Today's Herd StoryCampsite Cleanup Crew Gets Everything
We believe strongly in leaving our campsite cleaner than we found it, which means our campsite cleanup crew gets everything clean. Because we have a long drive on Sunday, we pack most of our belongings in the S-RV Saturday evening. Typhoon was amused watching all of the work (it is that working breed that can…
Read Today's Herd StorySurprise Attention From A Kiska Kougar
Typhoon claims he didn’t do anything to cause any of this unwarranted attention, but a Kiska Kougar has been stalking him all week. At home, Kiska’s interactions with Typhoon usually involve her yelling at him to SLOW DOWN! Because of their age difference, they don’t hang out a lot together, but that has changed this…
Read Today's Herd StorySurrounded By Thundering Herd Fans
Even in our quiet, peaceful campsite on an S-RV vacation, we are surrounded by Thundering Herd fans. Photographic evidence! Some of you might complain that we had a misleading title to today’s blog post, but those are our fans. We carry them in the S-RV and set them up on camping trips. Hu-Dad says they…
Read Today's Herd StoryS-RV Vacation Seniors At The Beach
Many readers have asked for an update on Miss Kiska and how she is handling the beach, so here is a quick S-RV vacation seniors update. To accommodate our seniors – Kiska and Qannik – on vacation, we take frequent shorter walks with them. They both handle the walks quite well and manage the steps…
Read Today's Herd StoryIncognito Cousins On An S-RV Vacation
Our cousins, Tartok and Ruby, have joined us on the S-RV vacation,but they are taking the trip incognito so no one assumes they are with us. Hu-Dad tried to sneak next door and catch some photographs of our cousins, Tartok and Ruby, as we enjoyed our S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle) vacation, but they seemed to…
Read Today's Herd StoryDecorating Our Campsite Just Like Home
When we are on an S-RV vacation, we enjoy decorating our campsite to remind us of home – maybe a little more than Hu-Dad appreciates. After spending the day on some excursions and other adventures, we retired to some quiet time in our campsite. Hu-Dad’s rules are that we have to be quiet (believe it…
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon Is Doing Vacation In Reverse
Sometimes, when a vacation ends, you wish you could go back and do it all over again. Isn’t that the same thing as doing it in reverse? The Little Prince has always marched to his own drummer, but the fact he marches backwards is the most amusing part. His brothers and sisters, however, have long…
Read Today's Herd StoryA Little Rain Must Fall – Even On Vacation
We are off on a little RV vacation where we learned an important law of nature – a little rain must fall especially when we are out for a walk. Yes, we have taken off on a little S-RV adventure. But get this – it is supposed to snow at the house today. That’s right.…
Read Today's Herd StoryFlickering Fire – Film Friday
Our weather has turned cold enough for Hu-Dad to open the fireplace and build a flickering fire – perfect for this week’s Film Friday (and a certain redhead). Not all of our videos are action packed – and this one certainly qualifies. A cold day outside, a flickering fire in the fireplace, and a certain…
Read Today's Herd Story