A Little Rain Must Fall – Even On Vacation

We are off on a little RV vacation where we learned an important law of nature – a little rain must fall especially when we are out for a walk.

Uh, Hu-Dad, have you noticed it is raining?

Uh, Hu-Dad, have you noticed it is raining?

Yes, we have taken off on a little S-RV adventure. But get this – it is supposed to snow at the house today. That’s right. We are getting glorious snow at the house and, for some odd reason, Hu-Dad thought it would be a great time to get into the S-RV and go somewhere else. What sort of crazy logic is that?

If it is an S-RV adventure, can we at least get into the S-RV and out of the rain?

If it is an S-RV adventure, can we at least get into the S-RV and out of the rain?

So, yes, we are missing the snow and getting rain – all for something called a vacation.

Humans are so weird.

Humans are so weird.


  1. KJ Pierson on October 29, 2017 at 8:25 pm

    I agree Q, thats no time for a vacation! Snow!

  2. Juno's mom on October 29, 2017 at 11:40 am

    Oh so soggy looking. Love Typhoon’s ‘comment’.

  3. Zoe on October 29, 2017 at 9:18 am

    Ahhh… nothing like the smell of wet dog in a confined space …. this round may go to the Sibetribe…….

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