A Booming Start To The Week

Back at home after a week of S-RV vacation, Cheoah thought Monday would be nice and quiet. Instead, she had a booming start to the week.

Wait. Why should my week start out with a boom?

Wait. Why should my week start out with a boom?

While the other dogs enjoy hanging out with Hu-Dad in his study as he attends to busyness or outside enjoying our fall weather, Cheesewhiz enjoys her nice, quiet, peaceful time alone on the couch napping the day away.

Why is he on my couch?

Why is he on my couch?

Oh, come on, Cheoah, with your baby brother giving such an innocent and non-scheming face, how could you possibly suspect trouble. We are sure he will behave.

Don't look so displeased - he is singing for you.

He is singing for you (and hitting some rough notes based on Cheese’s face)

Just think, Miss Cheesy, he might even want to cuddle.

I am so out of here.

I am so out of here.



  1. Laura Yager on November 7, 2017 at 8:36 pm

    You really didn’t think he was going to be quiet, did you? His nickname is Boom Boom for a reason. He Booms everywhere he goes! Poor Cheesy…..

  2. Juno's mom on November 7, 2017 at 12:06 pm

    The look on her face in frame three was priceless. Said it all.

  3. Hokie Pack on November 7, 2017 at 7:23 am

    Oh Boom Boom

  4. Lori on November 7, 2017 at 6:54 am

    I’d say that’s the friskiest innocence I’ve seen!

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