S-RV Vacation Seniors At The Beach

Many readers have asked for an update on Miss Kiska and how she is handling the beach, so here is a quick S-RV vacation seniors update.

Chief of Security Kiska watches our campsite, too

Chief of Security Kiska watches our campsite, too

To accommodate our seniors – Kiska and Qannik – on vacation, we take frequent shorter walks with them. They both handle the walks quite well and manage the steps in and out of the S-RV. Hu-Dad monitors them carefully on those steps and provides a little extra support as needed.

When we take off on longer walks or on jaunts about town in the Jeep, Kiska and Qannik stay back in the air conditioned comfort of the S-RV napping and enjoying the cool air.

And a certain pair of youngsters – Typhoon and Landon – get to take an extra special walk with Hu-Dad right before bedtime. Something about burning off that excess energy so everyone sleeps through the night. The seniors say a good night sleep is important and don’t want the youngsters disturbing that.

And, yes, we all enjoy time on the picket line in the campsite – seniors included.

Qannik says napping on the picket line is a good vacation strategy.

Qannik says napping on the picket line is a good vacation strategy.


  1. Zoe on November 2, 2017 at 8:00 am

    You are amazing in the way you Taylor to the individual dog’s needs. I have to tell you now that our pack has grown I have used many of your techniques … allowing separation from the younger and more senior members, different walk lengths … oh and like you our dog room went from big fluffy couch to ninja beds that cannot be torn (I know this was a long time ago but your article about the dog sofa demise was shared w my husband the first sofa that exploded … we skipped the duct tape). My Tibetan Mastiff has many of those traits he just does not try to escape like a husky …. it’s too far from mom lol. So knowingly or not.. you have also provided teacher/mentor services… thank you

    • carolyn Rogers on November 2, 2017 at 8:31 am

      You are so right about that – I have had to acknowledge my older girl is now a senior and starting to show senior ways, where my younger is still very much a whirlwind. Shelby HATES being left behind though when Maddox and I go on our very long walks. I have to let her in the backyard (she is safe there) then get Maddox in the car, then run back inside and get her inside, and then get out. Sigh. I have learned everything I know from the Herd and others – every dog owner should be so lucky to have such a sharing bunch of mentors!

      It is just so happy-making that Kiska is enjoying life. What a scare she gave you all (and us, as her fans!).

  2. Lori on November 2, 2017 at 7:00 am

    Everybody gets their own special treatment… a beautiful thing ❤️

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