News / Blog Posts

We have no clue what Landon is doing with his tongue.

Exhausting Effect of Snow

December 13, 2017 |

The Siberian Snow games are continuing around Chez Herd, though Hu-Dad seems to smile at the exhausting effect of playing in the snow. Romping and playing in the snow consumes lots of Siberian energy. Hu-Dad says that is a really good thing except for the fact that it creates lots of trip hazards in his…

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Stalking a sibling

Different Day, Same Game

December 12, 2017 |

When you are a young Siberian Husky and have snow on the ground, it may be a different day, but you are playing the same game. The youngest member of The Herd has been non-stop in his play in the snow. He has raced, rolled and bounded through the fluffy snow and shows no sign…

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Caught In An Undignified Moment

December 11, 2017 |

Some pup had gone to the far end of Sibe Quentin to avoid being caught in an undignified moment, but Hu-Dad’s telephoto lens misses little. Fresh snow is one of the greatest pleasures known to Siberian Huskies, so even the most serious can be found rolling in its fluffiness. This particular moment of ecstasy has…

Read Today's Herd Story
Leave this stuff to the youngsters.

Snow Faces Around Chez Herd

December 10, 2017 |

Hu-Dad went to work plowing the driveway and shoveling the walks while we played, a perfect time for us to model our snow faces. Hu-Dad claimed he wanted the driveway clear in case we needed to leave the house, but why would we want to leave all of this snow? We spent most of the…

Read Today's Herd Story

First Snow of The Season – Serious Fun

December 9, 2017 |

Our first snow of the season finally fell – a serious amount of snow – which created a lot of serious fun around Chez Herd. For most of the week, weather forecasters said that we might see a dusting of snow on Friday and Saturday. Maybe even a half an inch. On Thursday, however, they…

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early present - big bro is back

An Early Present: Big Bro Is Back – Film Friday

December 8, 2017 |

In the spirit of the holiday season, Landon is thankful for an early present – his big brother, Frankie Suave, is back in the yard. Frankie’s test results have come back negative which is, of course, very good news. The mass removed was benign, one of Hu-Dad’s favorite words. And Frankie has done well leaving…

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I am Typhoon. Hear me roar!

A Typhoon Phooey Blockade

December 7, 2017 |

Typhoon has enjoyed being king of the porch in Frankie Suave’s absence, but how does his blockade hold when Frankie returns? For the last week, the Little Prince has strutted around the yard like a king. His favorite game has been to claim the porch as his own personal fiefdom. No one is really paying…

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Must get back inside before I melt

Where Did Our Sunshine Go?

December 6, 2017 |

We might be snow dogs, but we admit to having been spoiled with the warm weather we have had. So where did out sunshine go? The predicted rains arrived yesterday and fell throughout the day. After days and days of sunning ourselves on the deck, we spent much of the day inside complaining about the…

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Proof of a working Boom Boom at fence patrol

Working Breed, Working Boom Boom

December 5, 2017 |

We Siberian Huskies are known for being quite the energetic working breed, as demonstrated by our very own Working Boom Boom. After several days of warm, sunny, fall weather, we are about to take a decided turn toward winter for the rest of the week. Tuesday is supposed to bring a steady, cold rain followed…

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Typhoon's serious sentry face

Typhoon Needs A Serious Sentry Face

December 4, 2017 |

With Frankie serving his time on injured reserve, Typhoon has attempted to step into his many roles, though Kiska says he needs a more serious sentry face. While Frankie has long been the leader of the Junior Team, no one doubts Miss Kiska’s role as Chief of Security. She has been quite pleased at how…

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Sunshine and my big bro - what a great Saturday - Landon

Leave The Cone – Destination Sunshine

December 3, 2017 |

Frankie had a much better day under Hu-Dad’s supervision, so he was able to leave the cone behind and headed for destination sunshine. Frankie seems to be getting the hang of not pulling at his stitches, so he was out of the cone much more yesterday. Of course, anytime he is out of sight of…

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Not amused, Hu-Dad

Unhappy Conehead Syndrome

December 2, 2017 |

After Frankie removed his sutures post-surgery, he has been relegated to being a conehead. His displeasure is quite obvious. Frankie was doing great Wednesday after the surgery to remove a mass on his back leg, so Hu-Dad  didn’t take any extra precautions. Since Frankie is the only dog who sleeps all night in the human…

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