Snow Faces Around Chez Herd

Hu-Dad went to work plowing the driveway and shoveling the walks while we played, a perfect time for us to model our snow faces.

Let Hu-Dad work. We are too busy playing.

Let Hu-Dad work. We are too busy playing.

Hu-Dad claimed he wanted the driveway clear in case we needed to leave the house, but why would we want to leave all of this snow?

Looking Suave even when it is cold.

Looking Suave even when it is cold.

We spent most of the day outside, just romping and playing as much as possible, so Hu-Dad thought he would do a post where every single one of us got our own photograph.

The Little Prince in a mad dash around the yard.

The Little Prince in a mad dash around the yard.

Not all of the photos are us in motion. In fact, in this next one, Landon looks like he might be overthinking this whole snow thing.

Just be impressed I am sitting still.

Just be impressed I am sitting still.

After yesterday’s post, we were asked if the seniors were having fun as well. Believe it or not, Qannik is the hardest of all of us to get inside. If Hu-Dad let him, he would sleep outside every night (but Hu-Dad has that pesky rule about creatures that prowl our woods at night).

Who wants to go inside when we have this?

Who wants to go inside when we have this?

Miss Kiska, on the otherhand, seems to have reached that stage where she is unimpressed with lots of snow.

Leave this stuff to the youngsters.

Leave this stuff to the youngsters.


  1. All Things Collie on December 10, 2017 at 11:51 am

    We didn’t end up with much snow at all, but the couple inches we did get sure make everything look pretty. The collies are enjoying it almost as much as your gang.

  2. Juno's mom on December 10, 2017 at 10:48 am

    Nice to see the whole herd out. Kiska takes her patrolling duty seriously, none the less.

  3. Zoe on December 10, 2017 at 9:38 am

    They all look amazing BoomBoom looks extra fluffy!!

    How is Miss Kiska feeling? Has she had anymore episodes?

    Her look is the best of them all, Hu-dad you are not supposed to be puparazzi with a lady of her age until she checks her hair and make up

    • The Thundering Herd on December 10, 2017 at 10:48 am

      Miss Kiska has been doing just fine. No more episodes and she has good mobility.

  4. Monty, Harlow, and Ramble on December 10, 2017 at 8:27 am

    We’ve yet to see snow, just extreme frost that stays all day. Our pups are loving that and I think are waiting for the real stuff.

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  5. Lori on December 10, 2017 at 7:51 am

    A true winter wonderland ❤️⛄️

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