News / Blog Posts

Supervising Christmas Dinner Preparation

December 25, 2017 |

Hu-Dad busily prepared a Christmas Dinner under the careful supervision of Chef Cheesewhiz, who objected often and loudly.

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What you doing, Hu-Aunt?

Bacon Begging At The Herd Annex

December 24, 2017 |

Our cousins over at The Herd Annex were subjected to the ultimate torture – a cooking smell – so they instituted a bacon begging protocol. Yes, our Hu-Aunt (Hu-Dad’s sister, in case you need a scorecard) was visiting and preparing dinner over at our cousins’ house. One of the items on the menu was bacon…

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A good stretch can keep you limber.

Boom Boom Stretching Exercises

December 23, 2017 |

Maintaining physical fitness is of paramount importance around Chez Herd, so we would like to share some stretching exercises from Boom Boom. Landon demonstrates some incredible form in that stretch. Notice the front paws on the edge of the picnic table seats. The rear legs firmly planted much higher on the table top. The fluffy…

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A Very Herd Christmas 2017

A Very Herd Christmas 2017 – Film Friday

December 22, 2017 |

The big holiday weekend has arrived and we are celebrating a Very Herd Christmas 2017. Our snow may have melted and our neighbors at the Ski Area may tease us with all of their snow, but we are still planning to have a terrific Christmas weekend. We hope that those of you traveling will find…

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Heavy Rains Make For A Soggy Herd

December 21, 2017 |

Over an inch and a half of rain fell from the sky yesterday as heavy rains made for quite the soggy day around Chez Herd. We have complained about lots of sunshine followed by warmer temperatures chasing away all of our snow. To add insult, mother nature decided to drop some tons of rain on…

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Open Field of Grass

Where Has All Of The Snow Gone?

December 20, 2017 |

Our temperatures have risen above freezing, a rainy day is predicted, and The Herd is asking where has all of the snow gone? Typhoon should admit up front that he is a part of the problem. He is a huge fan of eating snow. He has carried snow balls up to the deck and sprawled…

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Oh, please.

The Little Prince’s Expressive Face

December 19, 2017 |

Our resident Little Prince, Typhoon, has the most expressive face as he shows his disdain to Hu-Dad’s suggestions for better behavior. Typhoon has long believed that the rules that apply to the rest of The Herd do not apply to him. While Siberian Huskies are notorious for their ability to disregard orders that don’t benefit…

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A Little Rain Requires A Little Explaining

December 18, 2017 |

A little rain started falling yesterday afternoon on Chez Herd which required a little explaining from the Hu-Dad, who is held responsible for all weather. In a post a few days ago, we explained how the sunshine was threatening our snow even though our temperatures were staying below freezing. But our temperatures soared – well,…

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Done yet?

Sleep Delayed For Hu-Dad Busyness

December 17, 2017 |

Ever the velcro dog, Frankie refuses to go to bed before the Hu-Dad, but that can mean sleep delayed when Hu-Dad is working late in his study. The girls, Kiska and Cheoah, have no shame in going to bed long before the humans. Qannik would sleep outside if allowed, so waits until the last possible…

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Sunshine Causing Melting Snow

December 16, 2017 |

Our temperatures have barely reached freezing every day this week, but the sunshine has caused entirely too much melting snow in our yard. Our nights have been very cold and our highs each day have barely crested freezing, but the sunshine has been relentless. Our beautiful snow is slowly evaporating from the yard. Well, that,…

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Breakfast Dance

Breakfast Dance – Film Friday

December 15, 2017 |

With Frankie eating his meals out of his crate while he recovers from surgery, we can produce a Film Friday showing off his breakfast dance. Normally, everypup eats their meals inside their crates on the deck. We do that so everyone can take their time eating without worrying that a neighbor might covet their food,…

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Messing up my fur, Hu-Dad.

Sheltering From The Brutal Wind

December 14, 2017 |

Strong winds gusted across our mountaintop and joined our below freezing temperatures, so Hu-Dad found us sheltering from the brutal wind. Now, we Siberian Huskies are known for our ability to withstand cold temperatures and wintry conditions, but there is a big difference from playing in snow drifts and facing 30-40 mile an hour winds.…

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