Sleep Delayed For Hu-Dad Busyness

Ever the velcro dog, Frankie refuses to go to bed before the Hu-Dad, but that can mean sleep delayed when Hu-Dad is working late in his study.

Waiting on the Hu-Dad

Waiting on the Hu-Dad

The girls, Kiska and Cheoah, have no shame in going to bed long before the humans. Qannik would sleep outside if allowed, so waits until the last possible moment before finally coming inside for bed. The three junior boys – Frankie, Landon and Typhoon have to wait until Hu-Dad goes to bed before they will. That is especially true of Frankie who prefers never to be more than a few feet away from the Hu-Dad.

Done yet?

Done yet?

Thus, Hu-Dad commonly sees sleepy faces like these as the boys not-so-patiently wait for the signal it is time to go to bed.

Fighting hard to stay awake.

Fighting hard to stay awake.



  1. Padma on December 17, 2017 at 10:12 am

    How cruel of Hu-dad to keep you up late! It’s almost like he thinks a tired Sibe is a good Sibe.

  2. Lori on December 17, 2017 at 7:24 am

    Those boys love their Hu-Dad!

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