Where Has All Of The Snow Gone?

Our temperatures have risen above freezing, a rainy day is predicted, and The Herd is asking where has all of the snow gone?

Open Field of Grass

Open Field of Grass

Typhoon should admit up front that he is a part of the problem. He is a huge fan of eating snow. He has carried snow balls up to the deck and sprawled while munching away. He has even attempted to bring snowballs inside the house for consumption and is always surprised when Hu-Dad refuses to allow them inside.

But no one can claim that Typhoon ate all of the snow. The last remnants of snow in the yard have melted away leaving exposed grass and disappointed dogs. We eagerly await the next wintry round so that the Siberian games can resume.

In the meantime, as always, it is Hu-Dad’s fault.

Where has the snow gone?

Where has the snow gone. Hu-Dad?


  1. Cindy on December 20, 2017 at 9:05 am

    Dang you Hu-Dad!

  2. Lori on December 20, 2017 at 6:53 am

    I just don’t know how you adorable Sibes put up with that Hu-Dad ????????

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