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No interlopers when my fluffy tail and I are on patrol.

Fluffy Tail Alert

October 21, 2018 |

With movement in the lower field yesterday evening, Landon called a fluffy tail alert and requested backup from his sister.

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Are you watching me, Hu-Dad?

Thoughtful Boom Boom

October 20, 2018 |

The sun was rising. Morning settled on Chez Herd. And a glance out the kitchen window showed a very thoughtful Boom Boom enjoying it all.

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The sentry post from the top of the picnic table.

Big Brother Duties

October 19, 2018 |

Frankie Suave knows that many of you think his primary job is to lay around and be, well, suave, but he has many big brother duties.

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Don't even think this is a makeup walk.

Makeup Walk – Debts To Be Paid

October 18, 2018 |

With our evening walk canceled the night before due to rain, Hu-Dad tried to claim tonight’s excursion qualified as a makeup walk.

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Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous?

No Walk Reaction

October 17, 2018 |

Hu-Dad looked outside and noticed the rain. He declared his intentions for the evening and we were shocked. Here is our no walk reaction.

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I will just sit right here and wait. How are you going to top that, Hu-Dad? - Battle of wills

A Battle Of Wills

October 16, 2018 |

We Siberian Huskies are known for being stubborn creatures. We have to report on a battle of wills brewing between the Little Prince and Hu-Dad.

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Typhoon Shortcut

October 15, 2018 |

Our Little Prince may have outdone himself now by figuring out the ultimate Typhoon shortcut (much to the exasperation of the Hu-Dad).

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Why are up so early?

Not An Early Morning Dog

October 14, 2018 |

The boys – Frankie, Typhoon, and Landon – are enthusiastic to get each day started. Cheoah, however, is not an early morning dog.

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Hey, Big Bro, I didn't get my nightly walk.

Why We Have A Nightly Walk

October 13, 2018 |

Last night, the humans went into town to a restaurant and we didn’t get our nightly walk. The ensuing chaos explains why that should never be skipped.

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Don't you love a story where the dog is the hero?

Hurricane Typhoon

October 12, 2018 |

What other dog would insist on going outside in the middle of the night during a tropical storm? None other than Hurricane Typhoon himself.

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The boys gather for the evening walk lobby of the Hu-Dad.

Our Evening Walk Lobby

October 11, 2018 |

In all societies, we need a way to communicate our needs to those with control. In this case, our evening walk lobby is demanding their due.

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Our lone wolf model handles the solo guard duty.

Our Lone Wolf Model

October 10, 2018 |

Our lone wolf model is maximizing his camera time to demonstrate his ability to thrive on his own. Until someone blows his cover.

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