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With movement in the lower field yesterday evening, Landon called a fluffy tail alert and requested backup from his sister.
The sun had set, the sky was growing dark, and The Herd was performing final patrol of the yard. Something moved in the shadows of the lower field and caught Landon’s attention. How do we know? Check out the fluffy tail at full alert! And then he raced to the fence to check out what was going on with backup from his redheaded sister.
The intruder, whatever it was (Hu-Dad never got a good look), disappeared into the forest and Chez Herd was safe again. And someone was quite proud of his abilities to defend home.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Well done Landon!
He does have one of the most impressive tails I’ve seen on a husky. It looks like it’s longer too.
Keep up with security Boom Boom. Kiska would be so proud. Tail up, fluff out and your searingly beautiful eyes will have you chief of security in no time!
Great jon Landon with your fluffy tail patrolling Chez herd(along with your sister of course)!!!! You both SCARED away whatever was TRYING to be an interloper!