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Our lone wolf model is maximizing his camera time to demonstrate his ability to thrive on his own. Until someone blows his cover.
Landon would have you believe that everyone else is inside, enjoying the soft luxuries of life, while he labors away in the wilderness.
Sort of a stalker, Landon. If you consider the Hu-Dad with a camera to be a wild stalker sneaking up on you.
There is just one problem with the scenario you are creating for our readers, Landon. A slightly wider shot reveals quite a bit.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Aww, he is definitely the one in charge! (at least in his mind!) But he is a very handsome model!
He is a cutie.
I is brave! I is a fearless warrior! I is…. oh my, what was dat noise?! I is hiding behind my brave sister!
Is Boom Boom trying out for a Security Uniform to honor Miss Kiska??
Another hilarious narrative about “The adventures of Landon”-lol. You were trying to get us to THINK Landon you were such a brave security lookout and all the while you weren’t alone!!!!