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We hope you all are preparing for a terrific New Year. Taking our cue from so many, we decided our last post of 2011 should be a Year in Review. We decided to use Google Analytics and awstats (Advanced Web Statistics) to review our site for the past year. So here goes with some random facts.
We posted 358 times this year meaning we are now at 1205 posts all time with this blog. There was another blog before this one, but we only brought a handful of those posts over in our stories (some of those stories came from posts we had done in other places, too).
During the year, we suffered two great losses – Kodiak and the hu-dad’s dad. The post on Kodiak generated the most comments (157), but the post on the hu-dad’s dad, entitled A Great Man, is the post we are most proud of this year. The words in that post simply flowed.
The other most popular posts were celebrations – Introducing Frankie and our 1000th post celebration. As you can imagine, the remaining most popular posts were about Rusty and his uniqueness – Rusty’s Souvenir and Serious – Or Not. That last post also contains one of our favorite Rusty pictures as he high-steps on a walk.
Surprise – our most popular video of the year was also of Rusty playing his games. Amy, at Go Pet Friendly, confessed that she almost woke her husband up laughing so hard at the video.
By the way, our most popular video ever is also of Rusty, but this time with the humans playing his game right back at him.
Now for random weird stuff we discovered while analyzing the web activity for the year.
- While 94% of our readers view the blog in English, the most popular translated language is Russian followed by German, Spanish and French.
- People from 124 countries around the world visited the website during the course of the year.
- Internet Explorer (37% of readers) continues to lose ground against its competitors: Firefox at 31%; Safari at 14% and Chrome at 13%.
- Mobile devices really grew during the course of the year with the iPhone leading the way followed by the iPad and the Droid. What was really interesting to me was that mobile devices made up 7.5% of the readership over the year, but 13.2% of the readership in the last 90 days.
- The number of people who have subscribed via email has grown dramatically. You can have the blog emailed to you by filling in the “Subscribe by Email” feature on the top right of the blog page.
- Networked Blogs is closing in on Google Reader (I confess, I still use GR). And Facebook is, hands down, the top social media feeding us readers.
And now for our favorite part. We know our regular readers follow us mostly via Google Reader, Facebook, Networked Blogs, Twitter or just by bookmarking us, but what about new readers? How do they find us. The top searches always amuse us. Yes, The Thundering Herd or some variation is the most common search. Other top searches were “1000”, “squirrels”, “Joyce Kilmer Forest” and “Mr. Bill”.
Mr. Bill really cracks us up. We did one post using that as a phrase and drew in new readers.
And, squirrels. Ok, that is just wrong. All dogs know that squirrels are just mortal enemies and must be chased at every moment. Maybe they are infiltrating us right now via the web. And some of the squirrel searches are very frightening:
- Squirrels for Peace (no way)
- Thanksgiving Squirrel (we think that is an excellent idea)
- Halloween Squirrel (very scary)
- Siberian Flying Squirrel (more like Siberian flying AT a squirrel)
- Squirrel Herd (we knew they were copying us)
- No Squirrels Sign (we need one of them)
- Scary Flying Squirrel (that is our kind of squirrel and it so mean when they glide over our heads)
- Save the Squirrels (we would add – for desert)
- Warrior Squirrel (shudder)
- Cool Squirrel (does not exist)
- Ugly Squirrel (Yes!)
- Baby Flying Squirrel (Ack, more are being born)
- Camping Squirrel (with little backpacks and tents we are guessing)
- Squirrel on a Leash (Roles reversed – we like the sound of that)
- Squirrels are Fluffy (No we are fluffy)
Other searches that amused us:
- Really big dogs
- Iditarod song (well, we did post it in 2010).
- Sweet pictures (ah, thank you)
- Picket line etiquette (of course, we are well behaved, but no we do not carry signs)
- Bear proof trash cans (We guess if they are Siberian Husky tested, . . .)
- Delicate feet (snicker)
- Maggie Valley (our home town)
- QNTE (Really – 14 people found us via that search)
- Jeep dog
- Drivers license check (we have no idea)
- Objects in mirror are closer than they appear (we are gaining on you)
- Dogs with horns (QNTE snickered at that one)
- Merry Fitness and a Happy New Rear (we have no idea why, but that one really cracked us up)
Ok, and finally, the most popular parts of the website not on the blog. Drum roll please.
- Individual dog page most visited with over 3700 visits – Natasha (Queen Natasha the Evil says, “Was there ever any doubt?”)
- Most popular story with over 1500 visits – Frankencouch – A five year old story that continues to amuse.
Thank you all for continuing to visit. We are looking forward to a great 2012.
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
A year end review AND a blog hop. We hope you make a New Year’s Resolution to seek out some new blogs. Here are some suggestions.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
That was an awesome read. I loved the videos. I missed them so thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!!
So that’s what Buster has been doing on my iPad – running up Natasha’s page views!
What a year it was
Stop on by for a visit
Isn’t it amazing the things you learn and find out at the end of the year! 🙂
You guys are amazing!
Licks and lots of slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
What a great look back. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in 2012.
Happy New Year to you all.
What a brillant year in review! We really enjoyed it!
Those stats are wonderful!
Wishing you all the very best for 2012,
Clive & Murray
We’ve just hit some of the recent posts –
Frankie and The Waves (a group name fur sure) khrakhked us up!
Of khourse, between QNTE and Kiska FT, I felt I was there 😉
Happy 2012 to my pals in NC!
Maybe we should resolve to meet before ’13!
Great post – we always love your stats review, and it is great to see the reruns of some great posts. Best of all, it was a post that brought lots of smiles to Mom.
Thanks for a great year of blogging.
Happy New Year from all of us at The OP Pack!
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
What a crazy analysis!! We are just glad we found you, however we did. Thanks for sharing that Sibe joy and we wish The Thundering Herd a very Happy New Year!!
We loved the Squirrel List. Our favorite, save the squirrel, for desert!!
Happy Happy Happy New Year! We wish woo all da best in 2012! Happiness, health, and wealth!
Mya Boo Boo
P.S. I loves the Rooster!! Haroooo!!!!
Happy New Year, Herd and Hu’s. We, too, loved seeing the Rusty videos. While Ive read the Frankencouch post before, I’d not noticed that your couch looks quite like one destroyed by Bart and Gizmo some years ago – cordovan leather, right? Must be tasty!
See ya next year!!
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2012.
Great look back. We enjoyed reading through it! Hope 2012 is bigger and better and brings you all much happiness, joy, and peace!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Happy New Year, Herd and hu-Dad, you guys will always be a BIG favorite with me.
I think KIska is prettiest, Natasha is queeniest, and Rusty is funniest. Kodiak is missed and Frankie welcomed. Everybody else is just wonderful.
Stella, Jo and Zkhat
It has been a great year and we are so happy to be friends with you. No doubt that Rusty seems to be most popular on the blog, he is so funny. Hope you all have a wonderful 2012. 🙂
Wonderful, thanks for sharing all your stats…very interesting. I get some odd search terms too.
Really enjoy your blog…nice to see others with quirky Siberians!
we haven’t known you that long, but we are glad to count ourselves among your readers. Mom laughed at Rusty’s walking video….cheers to a happy 2012!!
Thank you so much for the Rusty giggles all over again! I’m guilty of laughing out loud like a loon when I first saw that video of Rusty walking behind the Redheads, and again when I watched it today. I just can’t help laughing at Rusty! I was very sad to see Kodiak go this year, and I think part of that was that his departure was so sudden and unexpected. I always love your writing and posts, and I think the post about your dad was one of the most beautiful bits of writing you’ve ever done (at least that I’ve read)!
I hope that you and The Herd will have a great year of adventures and fun that we can all share along the way this year! Your blog is one of five that I just can’t miss every single day. 🙂
How did I possibly miss those Rusty videos?!! They are a riot…we just had a good laugh watching them. He’s a character for sure!!
Best wishes to the Herd and Herd Annex and the Hu’s for a very happy new year!!
What a great post! As newbies to your blog we haven’t seen those Rusty videos before! Hilarious! He sure knows how to put on a show for the camera.
Mom commutes in the winter by city transit and checks out your blog on her iphone through Twitter. She gets a great outline of your Facebook posts and your new blog post, and she says your post loads quicker through Twitter than Facebook on the iphone. She’s as impatient as a husky… Mom says people must think she’s insane because every morning she sits on the bus reading your posts trying to keep her laughter down. People just stare at her.
Happy New Year TH!
That’s interesting about the page load speed difference between Twitter and Facebook. Both use Networked Blogs as the driver, but FB uses a slightly different load path (probably so that they track and get credit for their own traffic generation).