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We have shared this with you before, but we get a traffic report on our website that has some fascinating information. We had another record month for visitors, page counts, hits and every other measure. We really thank you for that.
Among the weird stats our tracker finds is that Firefox is the most popular browser used to view our website, beating out Explorer 37% to 33% (Safari is next at 13%). That should scare Microsoft a little. As should the fact that 19% of all of our viewers are coming from a Mac. Wow, huh!
But the most interesting part for us every month are the search phrases that people use to find us:
- pictures of a bear in front of the tennessee river – Not sure what you were looking for, but we are somehow the fifth result in Google.
- faster than a speeding bullet jingle – Another we don’t understand, but we again are the fifth result.
- national husky obedience awards – We are not sure how you ever found us with this phrase, but somehow you did.
- brain freeze – Cheoah’s moment captured some searchers:
- white fluffy dog stays with herd – Qannik says thank you.
And sometimes you are looking for our friends:
- fluffy tail dogs – We were sure Khyra would be at the top of the search, but apparently we are the third result.
- marco polo agility – Wooo – first in a Google search. But we really think you are looking for this Marco Polo, who happens to have our pictures on their blog.
- captain maverick – Again, a first in Google search, but we are sure you are looking for this Captain Maverick.
As always, there were a few searches where we may have gotten a searcher who was looking for something quite different:
- pictures of redheads – Fifth in a Google Search
- mom thundering butts – A top result in Google, though we do not want to know what you were looking for.
- of mice and men not allowed to use feet in a fight – Huh?
However you found us, we are glad you are here (except for the “hotgirlskissing dogs” searcher – you can go away). Please hang out a while and have fun.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
•national husky obedience awards ?? mind boggling! in fact, “husky obedience” is down right an oxymoron! unless obedience is coupled with food or completing something on their time, in their method, if they feel like it.
I love these posts! It’s so funny to see what people are searching for. Makes me wonder how people find me.
That is really funny…and a bit scary too! So often I feel that our blogs are a little closed circle. How wrong could I be? I really enjoyed your enlightening post.
Max’s mom in SA
That’s pretty cool search stats.. now i agree hotkissinggirls can go away. ha. rusty’s dainty paw video is quite funny.
Harrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap’n Had a great Halloween Harrrr. even thogh yer Cap’n did not get a trick or treater Harrrr. Got to love all the serches to find us Harrr.
Cap’n Maverick the Pirate
Kongrats!! I could hang out here all day!!
Ya snow…
Mom thinks gustheblueheeler is on the second page. hehe Cool idea.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wooos! Mom always thinks it is strange, they way humans find our sites, these are pretty good though, I like the thundering butts.. he, he…
-Kira The BeaWootiful!
Gee, I wonder what searches send people to my blog? Your phrases are pretty funny!
Huffle Mawson
Hang out a while and have fun? We always do!
Those are really interesting statistics. I need to find out that stuff for us. It’s very entertaining!
PS. We use Safari. Mom can’t comment on your blog from her work computer. She uses Firefox there, but it’s probably not a Firefox problem.
Hmm, I think a bloodhound would do a better job of searching than those search engines do! *Smile*
Pretty funny to read. We’re visiting with Firefox, non-Mac machine.
LOL – I should post some of my favorites sometimes, but here are a few recent ones from my blog that made me laugh…
vampire contacts in sarasota – hmmmm?
a home for spotty brats – yup, they came to the right place! 🙂
How furry interesting…. now I wonder how people find us, too?
a-roos & woos,
Jack a-roo & Tori too
I want to talk about the photo on Marco Polo’s site:
Which one is you, DK? Why not post a nice pic of yourself, close up, so if we met you and your six pups on the street, we’d know it was you right off.
Don’t keep us waiting too long for this.
Jo and Stella
Woooo! Dey is sum weird searches. We don’t even want to know what sum of dem people were looking fur.
We found woo from our blog.
Husky kisses,
Very cool! Those searches are pretty funny 😉
Teehee. I have to talk to my Mom about looking at our stats more closely. I know she collects them, she just doesn’t pay much attention to them…
*kissey face*
Our blog comes up 5th in a search for Pickle Nose. Ha roo roo roo!
We’re one of your Safari users.
Play bows,
And this is how people spend their time? We’ll stick to our naps and treats and walks and photshoots. On our mac.
Happy Day After!
Jake and Fergs xxoo
We did just leave a comment but can’t see it!! Here’s hoping you view them first or else it just disappeared!!!!
Hi, thanks for coming to visit us we thought we would pop over to see you! We love fluffy tailed dogs! We are looking forward to getting to know you. We were intrigued by your search phrases. We currently have a free trial with Web Stat now sure that it is worth paying for right enough! One of the phrases we got was ‘how to keep birds off conservatory roofs’. This took them to a video on our blog with Bailey barking like mad at the birds who dared to land on our conservatory. We did wonder whether they rushed out and got a basset!!!
Martha & bailey xxx
I love the google search phrases. ‘Faster than a speed bullet’? Did you ever use that phrase in a post? And I think that Rusty is laughing so hard that he’s fallen over on his back about the ‘obedience awards’ one!!
We didn’t find you with a weird search… but we’ll stay a while!
And you’re right. We’ve had one tricker-treater in a decade, and they drove a long ways just to visit us! So, last night, we went to the big city to trick or treat with our nephews… The dogs thought that the whole thing was crazy.
Ha – a much more interesting read than our Sunday paper – thanks!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Humans are very strange with what they look for. I’ve gotten a lot of visits to my site from people wanting info on birds in attics.
LOL that’s funny! Congrats on breaking all your records. 🙂
I’m glad to be here too…
Although, I think it would be more fun to be there!
Khyra The Fluffy Tailed Dog
PeeEssWoo: Mom says we switched to using FF fur GooglieReaderieBloggie Stuff when there were those months of blogs khrashing from IE – we have an IE and a FF browser open